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he was obviously struggling and it was fucking hilarious.

Alex sat in the row behind Luke, as usual, for history and watched as he furrowed his eyebrows and tugged at his hair. His eyes darted over the paper and his pencil had been hovering over the plank sheet for the last 10 minuets.

Seeing the untouchable Luke Hemmings like this was damn perfect. He was freaking the hell out and it was fantastic.

He wasn't in control of the situation for the first time since she'd been here

"That's time!" The teacher called and Luke's head snapped up, panic filling his eyes

He looked petrified and for a second Alex felt bad. Jesus, he was really freaking out

"Hey Luke, are you ok?" She asked

"Fuck off" he growled under his breath

"Seriously, asshole, you're pale as hell" Alex said and leaned forwards on her desk


"Leave it ok!" He yelled and got up, storming out of the class as everyone in the room watched on. And the teacher sighed, collecting the last of the papers. As the class was dismissed she was pulled aside

"I am going to ask you a very big favour" the teacher asked kindly

"Sure?" Alex said half-heartedly

"Please, tutor Luke"

"Oh I don't think-"

"He's been through and lot and he's stressing right now, all I'm asking is for you to please try?"

"Um well ok, I guess" Alex sighed, defeated.

"Thank you" the teacher said and left the room

"Fuck me sideways" Alex groaned as she shoved her books into her bookbag and grabbed Luke's off his desk, then marched out of the classroom to find him. When she did she wasn't shocked, he was sitting alone at his table in the lunch room while girls giggled over him from a distance

Everyone here is dying to be his friend, why does he choose to be alone?

She slammed his books down infront of him and he looked up with a smug look

"Your place or mine" she growled

"As much as it is a tempting offer I don't want to have sex with you blue" he chuckled

"Tutoring" she snapped

"You're my new tutor? Seriously?" He sighed

"Yeah it's not exactly a dream come true for me either" she hissed

He shot her a glare and scribbled down his number on a piece of paper and handed It to her

"Your place. Text me the details" he snapped


Alex marched away and didn't even consider looking back at him.


"Mabel?" Luke said softly as he walked into the kitchen

"Luke! How was school hunny?" The Middle Aged lady asked

"Fine" he sighed

"Oh Luke what happened" she asked, her voice full of worry

"Another tutor" he sighed and looked up at her

"That's ok, just please promise me you'll try?" She asked

"Ok" Luke mumbled

"Good" she said and smiled sadly at him

"And I'm going to get a job" he added

"Luke it's your senior year you don't need to worry about it-"

"Yes I do! I've been here for long enough and you took me in when I was a total wreck, no one else wanted me! and you've looked after me, I want to earn some money to help, buy some of the kids new toys maybe, I want to" Luke rambled

"Luke" she sighed and stroked his cheek, he looked up and her and places his hand over hers on his cheek

"I'm going to help ok? These kids need it" he mumbled

"Luke Hemmings, you have grown up so so quickly" she chuckled

"Well, it happens where you're a 17 year old orphan" he said and smiled sadly

"Luke, you're a fantastic kid, you don't deserve to be in a place like this, hiding it from your friends, it's unfair and I hate it" she sighed and a frown formed on her kind face

"This is not a bad place to me, it's not an orphanage to me, it's home"

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