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"Mannn, Ayato is so hot!"Charlotte exclaimed. Her other friend, Lenora, laughed at her. 

"Nah, man, I'm more of a Laito fan,"she replied. She swiped on her phone, pulling up a picture of him. She fangirled as she turned it so Charlotte could view it. "He's just soooooo hottttt." Charlotte laughed. 

"I'd figure you were more of a Subaru fan. Isn't your boyfriend a lot like him?"Charlotte asked. Lenora hummed and clicked her phone off sitting it down. She picked up a chip and shoved it in her mouth, chewing. 

"Yeah, I guess so. But he's such a tsundere, it's getting boring for me,"Lenora sighed. She rested her chin on her hand. She let out a puff of air, her bangs flying out with it. "We don't ever do PDA, because he freaks. And even in private, he's too embarrassed to touch me." Lenora glanced at the girls. "Hey, do you guys want to come over and watch the newest episode?" Charlotte nodded quickly. "Kayleigh?" Kayleigh looked up from her book. She shook her head and turned her wrist over, glancing at her watch. 

"I've got training today,"Kayleigh told them. She stood, packing her bag up. "Which I should be heading home to change for." The bell rang. Lenora pouted. 

"Awww, come on Kayleigh! You're always training. You should just kiss and make up with Nathan already. This rivalry with him is taking your life over!"Lenora told her. Kayleigh glared at her dangerously. Lenora held her hands up defensively, nervously smiling. Kayleigh sighed and closed her eyes. "Seriously. This whole thing, I don't think it's healthy. Take a break once in a while, you know?"

"I would, but if I'm going to beat Nathan in our next match, then I've gotta train,"Kayleigh pointed out. She opened her eyes and gave both of her friends serious looks. "Honestly, you two and your boyfriends could watch the show together. I don't have time to date or sit around watching anime all the time." She shouldered her bag. "And by the way. You're both wrong, the best brother is Shu by far." She turned and walked away, heading out to her car. 

This was her life. Making excuses so she could practice, and telling her friends she wasn't going to date. She had to train. She had to make her goal of being a professional fighter come true, even if that meant sacrificing a social life to do so. She got in her car and buckled her seat belt, turning it on. She pulled out of the parking lot and started the drive to her local gym. Just as her light turned green and she took off, she caught it in the corner of her eye. Some idiot ran the red light. Her eyes went wide in fear and she tried to get out of his way, but it was too late. 

Everything went black.


"Hm, you'll do perfectly."

What? Who said that? 

"It's alright, your problems will all be solved soon. Trust me. You'll have an interesting game."

Game? I don't have time for games...what's going on? Why is everything black? Why am I cold? 

"Relax. Your answers will come. Now, it's time to awaken. You've been asleep for a while."

Kayleigh blinked her eyes open. She spotted an ugly looking tile ceiling above her. She tried to breath and choked. She rose her hand up as she choked on whatever eas lodged in her throat. 

"Kayleigh? DOCTORS! WE NEED YOU IN HERE!"a voice shouted. 

When she was sitting up, she was being examined by a doctor closely. Kayleigh's friends were around her bed, along with their boyfriends. The doctor pulled his stethoscope away, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I don't understand. It's like everything is gone, all of your injuries. Your vital signs are perfect as well,"the doctor told her. Kayleigh wrinkled her eyebrows. She felt long hair brush past her shoulder. She reached over and grabbed it, her eyes widening. "Yes, your hair has grown longer. You've been in a coma for six months." Kayleigh's eyes widened. 

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