Chapter 7

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Chap 7

Mesut's POV

As the best man, I'm supposed to prepare the bachelorette of Olivier. I just couldn't think of something... He deserves the best, I want it to be perfect, but I still couldn't find anything.

"Babe" I called out Mandy.

"Yeah, honey?" She replied, getting out of the shower.

"What theme should Olivier's bachelorette party be about?"

"First of all, you should gather all of his boys bestfriends together. That's for sure. For the theme, I honestly think it should be something Olivier likes to do, or maybe about one of his hobbies. Or you could just rent a club and have fun, I guess."

"I just want everything to be perfect. We both know he deserves the best. Why did i get myself into this" I groaned as Mandy chuckled.

"I don't know, sweetie, you have to work it out by yourself. You got yourself into this" She said, and pecked my lips.

Mandy's POV

Thanks to Mesut, I remembered Rachel's bachelorette party. I decided to make it a small party, cause ever since she got engaged she wouldn't shut up about how she really wants a party.

I called her mom right away, to make sure that the idea was good enough.

"Hey" Melanie picked up the phone.

"Hi" I replied.

"Is everything okay?" She asked sounding worried.

"Yeah everything is under control." I assured her. "I called you to talk about Rachel's party."

"Oh yeah, sure, do u need help?" She asked.

"Well I was thinking maybe the theme could be a small party where we will all wear the same outfits, and on the shirts we'll right the name of the bride, we can do makeup for each other, go know?" I asked

"Yeah, it's great, I mean she wanted that since forever. Right?"

"Yeah exactly. Thank you for your time, and sorry for bothering you" I said in a polite tone.

"Anytime, sweetie. Have a nice evening" She said, and then the line went dead.

Mesut's POV

I decided to call Rachel, I mean she knows him the most..

"Rachel" I said as she answered.

"Yeah?"she said through the phone.

"What is Olivier's favorite hobby?"

"Let me guess, bachelorette party?" She asked

"Yeah, I want it to be something he enjoys to do, and I figured you would know, so yeah" I said, shrugging it off with an awkward laugh.

"Well, he pretty much plays soccer all the time, it's his job after all" She laughed "But he also loves poker, every time he gets the chance to play, he never misses it"

"You're a life saviour Rachel, thank you so much! Love you, bye!" I hung up before she got the chance to reply. It's okay, I have a lot going on, she'll understand.

I immediately put my shoes on and headed towards the lobby, to reserve the game area for tomorrow night. I hope he likes it.

Mandy's POV

I sent to Monica, Phoebe,Carole, Lola, Mona and Susanne the invitation text

Girls, are you ready to rock the party tomorrow night? We are gonna have the best time with our bride to be tomorrow in her bachelorette party!!

We'll all be wearing the same shirts with Rachel's name on, with a white short and heels.

We will go cruising, we will go pranking, we will go on the road of fun!! Join us tomorrow, we'll meet over at Rachel's place at 8pm. Be there!!

I sighed in worry before shutting my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

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