2. A strange pendent

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I gasped as the chest flung open blinding me with white light. I snapped my eyes shut, stepping back, waiting for it to disappear. When the light dimmed, I opened just one eye for caution before fluttering the other. What the, I thought to myself.

The inside of the box was also black and laying Inside was a small pendant of the one big joined symbol I saw earlier appearing on top of the chest. You could make out the smaller symbols connecting together, each one a different colour. Dark blue, red,dark green and a light blue almost clear. It was made by some solid which looked like crystal or jade. I was not really sure.

Attached to it was a leather strap around 2cm thick. I picked up the necklace in my hand and placed it around my throat ignoring the tingles it sent around my body. Wait what just happened. This can't be real. It's like a cooler version of those spy finger print scanners but on a chest with wacko symbols. No way.

The sudden opening of a door and slamming shut snapped me out of my thoughts. I heard my mums voice and one deep one I couldn't recognize faintly from downstairs. Their was a scuffling and thudding sound. Mum was home probably starting to cook. Quickly grabbing the chest I placed it under my loose floorboard, out of sight before running down the stairs. I stopped dead in my tracks.

Their bound to the kitchen sink was my mum. Her hands were above her head tied with rags to the taps while the rest of her body laid sprawled across the floor.

Her hair was a tangled mess as if she had rolled in the dirt and their were cuts and bruises going across her arm. Her mouth was sealed shut by a dirty kitchen rag tied tightly around with a red sticky substance on it. Her forehead had a massive gash on it with blood pooling down.

My gaze quickly lifted to her eyes. They were big and frantic, looking at me then to the side as if warning me making wheezing sounds from her mouth. " M-um?" I choked out running to her. I started to untie her but she frantically shook her head as if saying no and looking to the side.

The rags were bound so tight it was impossible to untie them from my own fingers. I quickly got a knife from the top drawer and slashed the rag from her mouth and then the ones holding her arms up.

My mum toppled over, quickly taking some big ragged breaths while groaning in pain and whispering out one word. "Run!" she screamed before passing out from the pain. Before I could process what she had said big thundering steps could be heard coming from outside the kitchen door. It was shoved open and a buff strange man came out.

He was tall and muscly. He had dark skin and was probably considered handsome but in a ragged evil look. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a long coat with leather black boots. The coat was black with a large purple symbol at the back. On the coat attached was a hood reminding me of assassins creed. There were different belts, straps and pockets going everywhere on the coat.

His mouth was in a snarl and his hair was jet black. His hair though short, stood up in spikes as if a he had rubbed his hair against a balloon and created an electric field. On his arms were tattoos I had never seen. Maybe a different language. He had subtle on his face and on his wrist was a leather cuff with a pendant very much like mine except it was only one shade, a bluey purple colour, much smaller and a different symbol.

He also smelt like wood after being burned to ashes and a bit like when your computer burns up and sizzles. I noticed all these in a matter of seconds. His piercing gaze dropped to my neck where the pendant I found lay. "It's about time you joined us Elementare," he spat out. "I was just looking for your pretty face," he smirked out. His eyes were dark grey and stormy. Everything about him blared our danger, danger! Like a continuous alarm. 

I quickly pointed the knife I was holding in his direction. "Who ar-e you, stay back or I will stab you!?" I stuttered out, the word Elementare in the back of my mind.

"My my deary, if I was you I would put that before anyone gets hurt and the names Axel." He gestured with his hand a sizzling electrical sound coming from his fingertips.

I was absolutely terrified. I needed to know what the pendant I found is and where he got his while trying to stay alive and make sense of what he was saying. I had no idea what to do and the only weapon I had was this knife. Maybe if I could reach the phone I could call the police. I glanced at it. It was behind the hooded stranger. 

I cursed mentally when he caught my gaze following my eyes. "And don't even think about calling anyone," he yelled out before snatching the phone from the table and crushing it with his boot to hundreds pieces. My mouth dropped opened in horror.

Forgetting about the phone I gazed angrily at him. "What did you do to my mum!?" Gaining my confidence, I yelled out angrily, waving the knife in the air hoping to appear dangerous. Instead he smirked at me. "I was just asking her a few simple questions, but she didn't cooperate as I wanted so I punished her a little to help her rethink her choices."

"Oh and honey I wouldn't swing that if I were you." He smiled sickly. He moved his hands in front of me his long fingers glistening before purple/blue ball of spark came from within in the shape of a flame popping every now and then. I staggered back in shock. "Ahh that expression of yours suits my power well Elementare. Shock."

"My name is Sierra not Elementare and what's that in your hand" I whispered out in fear. "This sweetie is my element. Electric. I can wield it however I want to and I can do whatever I want to do with it. Don't you think electricity going through that metal knife of yours will result in a very 'shocking' ending honey?." He laughed out.

My fear went from confusion to anger. This guy was crazy. That fuzzy ball of purple was probably some prank or trick. I was probably on that show prank patrol. I glanced around looking for hidden cameras. Except the pendant. That was way to extreme. "You're bluffing, tell me what that pendant is and why it looks like the one I found and stop calling me sweetie and honey and elemto- whatever and all these other names!" I yelled out in anger pointing the tip of my knife at his heart.

He replied back by smirking before spinning around and thrashing his hands to the side like some karate move and WHOOSH. A think streak of purple electricity shot through his fingertips like an eel and hit the kitchen tiles with a sound of static leaving the tile black and charred with a big gaping hole, rubble falling to the ground. I dropped the knife and covered my ears from the loud bang. "Do you think I'm bluffing now sweeetheeaart," he smirked exaggerating the last word.

My angry mouth turned in the shape of an 'o' the fiery anger within me disappearing as if hosed down. My fear must have shown through my eyes as he let out a loud ugly guffaw. "Wh-at are-e you?" I croaked out.

"I'm surprised the Elementare herself doesn't know anything at all but girl my kind are known as the Eltedors enemies of the Elementals and for me I am a wielder of Electricity.

As you are the Elementare you are also an enemy to me and my people so I have to kill you." As this information sunk in I saw a flame of electricity flying right in my direction.

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