One tree hill

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Riding up to the slopes was very chilly the wind was horrible adding with the hard snow
It was making my cheeks very red and I was very thankful for wearing mittens and a beanie I know my brother wasn't as properly dressed neither was his friend

Soon as my feet touched the ground I looked over the hill I was so high up the lodge looked like a distant planet I swolled my fear of heights this was for my brother and his friend

If the wolf stories were true I didn't want to think about it but it was dark so brought my flashlight but if I seen a wolf I'd be an easy catch

Only a couple other people were on the slopes most were leaving I seen a guy ordering a sled I ran up to him I am sure I looked as frantic and scared as I felt "hey - i interrupted him he looked up he had long eyelashes with grayish blue eyes his hair was neatly tucked into his beanie but some strands poked out a fawn blonde color

"May I help you" he was obviously annoyed I had interrupted him he grabbed his sled and started walking of "I need your help" I said huffing to catch up to him "you shouldn't be here and what you need isn't my concern" he said looking at me this time

I started to get chocked up the air was freezing and my little brother was still out there tears were failing fast and I felt like the air was running out of my lungs the guys expression changed "should I call a medic" he said bluntly I closed my eyes taking a breath

"My brother he's out there and I - another choked sob came out and this guy just stood there watching "listen I'll help you just stop whining" he said I shook my head and wiped the tears from my numb face

"What does he look like" the guy asked I told him and he nodded "I seen him with a girl up here earlier" he looked around "this way"

We walked for a good ten minutes and the temperature was still dropping rapidly I had no clue where he was taking me and at this point I was probably being kidnaped "where are we going" I asked the guy turned around "where little kids go to find wolf's" I had heard old lady's talking in the lobby about the tree that stood alone where the supposed wolfs marked their  territory

I gulped maybe Sarah knew all this stuff and was serious about finding wolfs I thought she was joking around but the people around this lodge are extremely weird

I stopped in my tracks when the mystery guy put his hand on my mouth to prevent me from gasping we were still covered by trees but up ahead was a clearing with only one tree a wolf a very very humongous wolf was asleep by the tree and then I seen my brother and Sarah standing in the middle of the clearing looking at the wolf they looked terrified

The guy slowly removed his hand and signaled me to stay put he slowly walked up to my brother and Sarah he talked to them a little then pointed at me my brother looked relieved the guy led them away from the wolf but while walking back , Sarah steeped on a stick

And The wolf opened its eyes

I know this chapter is short it's supposed to be

Xoxo gossip girl💋

Jk enjoy ;)

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