Part 1

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Anya POV

I wake up to a huge weight on me, I peel my eyes open to see my older brother Ryker jumping on me. He is screaming in my face sayin "WAKE UP WAKE UP!"

I jump up which causes Ryker to fall off my bed and land on his butt. He looks up at me laughing at him and just pouts are me telling me how mean I am. I just shake my head at him... you see Ryker is a 25 year old who is the CEO of his own business, its called Blade Industries and its a multi-billion dollar company.

See my family is not exactly what you call normal. We have an older sister named Lily who is a model and is 28, then we have Ryker whom you've already met, next is me (Anya) who is 17 years of age {wow I sound really old}, then lastly is my little brother Alec and he is only 6 years old and is the cutest things you will ever meet.

I get up off my very comfortable bed....because I mean who needs love when you have a bed like seriously. I walk toward my bathroom to take a shower and get ready, I come out in a fluffy black towel and head to my closet. I pick out a pair of washed out blue jeans with rips in them, a maroon crop top and brown boots that go up to my knees. Next is my hair, my hair is pretty long I would say, it goes down to my butt and is a rich chocolate color. I just blow-dry it and straighten it.

I head out of my room and down the hall to the weapons room, put my hand on the scanner and the vault door opens to revel shelves of weapons from grenades to hand rifles to daggers. I go over to wear my shelf is and grab my silver dagger that have the letters VLB engraved on the hilt, my dad's intials ; Vincent Lee Blade.

"i miss you lots dad" I whisper to the dagger, I put both daggers in my boots and then proceed to grab my needles and out then in my boots as well.

I close the vault door and the scent hits me like a sack of potatoes....."CINNIMON ROLLS!!!!" I yell and then a few second later see a blur of my brother Ryker running down the hallway trying to beat me to the delicious meal waiting for me. I sprint down the stairs passing y brother, to Lily and Alec we probably sound like a heard of elephants coming down the stairs but we don't care. I sit in my chair first then a second later so does Ryker.

I look at Ryker with a smug look on my face " I sat down first so that means I get dibs on first pick."

"But that's not fair, you always choose the ones with lots of frosting on them." Ryker pouts like a 4 year old. I just stick my tongue out at him.

After breakfast I put my dishes in the sink then give Lily a hug, Alec and kiss on the head and just look at Ryker and turn my head saying good-bye. Ryker yells at me but I am already out of the door, me and Ryker are probably the closest to each other out of all of my siblings.

I head to the garage and get the keys to my black Lykan Hypersport, hop in and start the engine and drive off to pick up my friends Veronica and Venessa who are twins.

When I get to their house they walk out and get in, Venessa is wearing black jean shorts with a black tank top with back and gold Nike basketball shoes with a black and gold hat on; Veronica is the opposite of her, she has white shorts on with a white tank top and white and silver Nike basketball shorts and a white and silver hat on.

I pull up to the school and park slowly opening my door with Nessa and Roni flanking me.....

Welcome to hell


Thank you for reading my book...I am hoping to update weekly so stay tuned for chapter two when Anya meets Blake.





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