Part 2

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Anya POV

As I was walking up to the school I felt someone's eyes on me. I turned around and there he was, leaning next to a giant black truck. The gift the God gave women, he was the full package, beautiful black hair with a nice build but not to must more like a buff swimmer, just right. But what stopped me were his eyes, they were beautiful

"Hazel eyes." I whispered softly but to me it sounded like he heard me because he tensed a little bit

I couldn't stare any longer because Roni and Nessa pulled me into the school leaving Hazel eyes behind. Durning class I couldn't stop thinking about him, I just kept seeing him everywhere I looked.

"-ya, Anya, Anya, ANYA." I heard Roni yell while waving her hand in my face trying to get my attention.

"What." I looked at her blinking my eyes

"What is going on with you today, you just keep spacing out." Toni out her hands on her hips leaning towards me with Nessa right behind her

"I ummm uh....nothing just thinking." I waved my hands in front of me in embarrassment for getting caught.

"Mmmmm." Was all that the twins said

"I'm serious nothings wrong." I try to convince the curious twins who finally gave up and sat down

The teacher walked in and right as he was about o say something there was a knock on at the door. "Come in." He yelled The door slammed open and in walked three guys, there were what looked like a set of twins flanking another guys. The twins were wearing white shirts with blue jeans, Nike's and a leather jacket. But what caught eye was the guy in front, he was wearing black jeans, a grey shirt, black vans and a leather jacket. But when I looked at his face he was staring directly at me.

I looked at his eyes and whispered "Hazel eyes."

The teacher asked them to introduce themselves so Hazel eyes did.

"My name is Blake Collins and these guys are Ryder and Dylan Woods." Blake said never breaking eye contact with me

I am so sorry for not life has been very chaotic and honestly I am a bit lost but I am going to try to update again sometimes hopefully soon. Thank you to everyone for reading my story and hopefully will stick around to see the end of it!

Thank you!

~ Shadow

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2019 ⏰

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