Chapter 8

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i was just putting on my sneakers as a message popped up on my phone.

woojin: u ready?

me: yeah... i was just done, i'm on my way now.

i replied

As I got out the house, i saw woojin's car.(let's just assume thet he can drive already, this is fanFICTION ppl)one of the window suddenly opened and woojin's head popped out.

"free ride?" he asked.



"so let's just stick to the main plan, make Sagang jealous." he stated.

"yes sir." as i saluted.

we got out of his car and made our ways to the cinema. the five guys were already there.

we greeted them as we got closer. "guys, you're already here." woojin greeted them with a smile. "y/n!" they greeted me with warm smiles not even caring about woojin. "hyung, am I really the maknae?? it seems like you don't even care about me anymore." woojin crossed his arms faking a sad face. " yah!! stop blabbering there or there will be no tickets to be left for us anymore." seokcheol commanded as he pulled me as the others followed us. " don't care about him, he's childish sometimes." he whispered.

after waiting for 19,532,046,765,288,155,455,585,584,268 years (o know you didn't read those numbers, am i right or am I right? 😂)it's already our turn to watch the movie. and so our seat was like this: junwook, eunsung, seunghyun, seokcheol, sagang, me, woojin. yeh, i know it's so complicated and i wish wouldn't act wierd near sagang.

before we got to the actual cinema, seokcheol bought popcorn for us. we sat on our designated seat and started munching on our popcorns even if its still the intro of the movie. oh, i forgot to tell you that we're   watching a horror movie. At first ,I didn't agree to it but all of them wants to so I have no choice but to watch.

"are you sure you really are gonna watch this?" woojin whispered. "well...yeah, maybe." was all i answered.

the sound effects started to get intense as i started to get suspense too, knowing that maybe something or someone would just pop off the screen. as the leading lady started to get lost to the haunted house, i covered my eyes  and started to get cautious to what will happen next.

i pulled woojin and hid at his arm as soon as i saw an unusual figure crawling towards the leading lady. after a few seconds, the intense sound effect stoped and realized i was already pulling woojin so tight. "hey, are you okay? " he asked. i slowly moved away "i'm sorry." i said with a peace sign while smiling widely, hoping that he wouldn't get annoyed . "it's okay." he answered. then we started to watch the movie again.


woojin's pov

while i was watching, i could never stop glancing at y/n. she was watching intensely, peeking through her fingers as she covered her face with her hands. i was watching intensely as the scary part starts. y/n suddenly pulled me as soon as a ghost started to crawl towards the leading lady. i was shocked and we were so close. can we stay like this forever?

it didn't last longer as came back to my senses. "hey, are you okay?" i asked. "i'm sorry" as she did a peace smile while smiling. oh boi! don't do that, you look so cute!

"it's okay. " i said as i looked away and heat starts to crawl across my face.


sagang's pov

i was watching intensely as my attention caught y/n hugging woojin. wait, what?! is he blushing?!

why is she hugging him, is there something between them? if that's the case, woojin is very lucky. i want to have someone like her too. she's attractive ,smart, cheerful but a bit shy.

well, i don't know if i like y/n or am i just being jealous.


third person's pov

"bye guys! " y/n and woojin waved thier goodbyes to them. "bye!!" they replied.

"wanna go home already?" woojin asked.
"nah.. mom isn't home yet, i'll be bored if i go home early." she stated. "how about... hangout at the park?" he suggested "that would be a great idea!" agreeing to his suggestion.

they got in his car as they rode thier way to the park. the park isn't crowded this time. they got out his car after parking it and  then made thier way to the playground, sitting at the swings.

"i hope hyejin's plan will work." as he broke the silence. "i hope so too." she replied.

"how's the movie?" he asked.

"it's fine."

"says the one who almost ripped off my arm and covered her eyes 95%  of the movie." he teased.

"were you looking at me the whole time?" wiggling her brows, returning the tease to him.

"n-no!" he stuttered.

"really? then how would you know I did that when you didn't and why do you sound so guilty?" she smirked.

"well, I have my ways." he said.


she almost got me there, he sighed. and after that was an awkward silence.


"hm.. " he answered

"do you like someone?" she asked out of nowhere.That made him think for a minute.

"well, yeah. but I think i don't have a chance, she already likes someone." as he lowered his head.

"yes you have. it doesn't mean that if she likes someone, you can't have a chance. you need to try, there's nothing wrong with it anyways." little did she know, it was her.

"Okay." he replied with a smile.

i'll try for you, y/n. he thought

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