Chapter 15

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author's pov

you we're now walking on the road with sagang. after going to the library you met sagang on the gate and he said he would like to walk you home.

the atmosphere was silent except for the sound of the trees dancing because of the blowing wind.

he tried to hold your hand but you shook it off. he tried again but you still shook it off.

"y/n, what's wrong with you?" he half shouted and you didn't answer.

"is this because of woojin?" he asked.

"what?! no!" you quickly answered.

"you thought i didn't saw both of you on the library earlier huh?? wow!! you even had a lot of fun and laughed and laughed and laughed." he laughed, sarcastically.

"what are you talking about? we're just friends!" you explained.

"really? cause from what i've noticed, you have always been happier with him. when you're with him, you would always smile, laugh and would even blush?! tell me why you're just friends?!" he now shouted. sagang was always envious how woojin would always make you feel happy and how both of you have a lot of things in common.

you can't answer. he was right, you were always happy with woojin and you guys had a lot of things in common. you liking him was and him not liking you is the only thing that is not in common now, you thought.

a lot of things are running in your mind now and your tears are starting to fall.

"i knew it! you know what?? i think it's better if we break up this time than continuing this relationship without you feeling anything for me anymore." he said and left you.


you wiped your tears as you were now in front of your houses door not wanting your mom to know you were crying.

as you entered, the first thing you saw was your dad hugging your mom.

"dad?" you asked because you can't believe in what you're seeing.

"oh my dear y/n, i missed you so much." he came and hugged you. you hugged back, heck you missed him so much too.

"i'm really sorry i forgot about my family when i was so busy and attached with my business. i'm sorry dear, i promise i'll never leave and exchange you with anything in this world anymore." he explained. you were now crying, again, but in happiness.

"so your mom and i had planned something and we know it's all for good," he pulled from the hug.

"so we were planning on moving to the US. you know, you're dad's business runs there and you could also have a better education." your mom continued with a smile.

"you should start packing now, our flight will be 9:00 pm tomorrow night and if you're worried about school, we already told your teacher that you're transferring and everything is already set" your dad said.

you just mumbled an okay and went to your room.

you don't know what to do. you emotions are all mixed up, you were happy that your dad came back and your family will be complete now ,sad that you have to leave your friends but mostly confused on what you should do.

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