Merry, Merry Whos The Cutest Of Them All!

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Next day! Kinomi moved into town, she had pink hair with a pink sparky dress with star sunglasses. She looked like a movie star.

Lobo and Static looked at each other like they've been through trouble already. Static and Lobo where whispering to each other while Isabelle introduced Kinomi to everyone.

DJ thinking: I'm not sure what Lobo and Static are talking about, she seems very nice!" I think to myself as Kinomi acts merry towards everyone."

She came up to me and smirked at me. Then she was on her way to her house. Lobo and Static followed her, so I followed them. I heard us walking in the grass as if there were leafs on the ground being stepped on. We watched her wall I looked behind a apple tree. I can feel the bark up against my hands. I heard her door creek open as if it was an old closet. Kinomi opened the windows and she started talking. We heard every word she said!

" This town is so much easier to trick! Although you would think its easier to trick an old man into doing something you want them to believe. Ugh! I hated that mayor always all over me, always outside so I cant do anything, that mayor was such a stocker. That dumb turtel, Always near the post bord thingy or what ever, so I don't post lies about villagers! What a royal pain in my neck!!! I wish the mayor wasn't so annoying. hopefully this DJ girl doesn't eavesdrop on me all the time. Can't I just have fun for once? It's just so funny to watch cute little animals cry and get angry!"

"DJ, Isabelle would not be ok with us eavesdropping on a new villager, I know it was Static's and my idea but-"
"Lobo... but shes saying bad things about me"

Static shrugged his shoulders"well... its still wrong to do so, the more mad u get the more you may revile to her. Lets just keep it simple and come to my house.I en't got any food though so don't ask."

"Lets listen to slider K.K surfing , me and Statics favorite song ever!"

*blushing* "Lobo, my favorite song from K.K is K.K island, Surfing is my second"

Lobo shrugged his shoulders "Well, we can listen to both."

"Lobo, I don't have the CD! Its a rare CD, it only given to you when K.K slider comes to visit Club L.O.L"

" Lets go to the L.O.L club tonight! He's not being the dj tonight"

"That's a great idea DJ!!! We can suggest K.K Island and give it Static."

"Oh, Lobo and DJ you flatter me too much." *bashfulness*

"DJ will half to suggest it, for some reason that's the rules only humans have more freedom. Which is weird when you think about it. Who made that up anyway? Isabelle could never make that rule up right? No, shes not that kind of person!"

DJ thinking: Static looked worried and scared like the day when he was sick so I gave him meds from the T&T. He got better a week later, came to my front door randomly, not that he already dose that!

It was finaly time to go with Static and Lobo to go in Club L.O.L. We walked there and Nan happend to be there, Static was so happy he ran right to her and waved!

"Hey Nan long time no see, my petpal!"
"Hey Static, hows Kinomi? I was wondering if Kinomi did somthing bad yet, that trouble maker!"
"She has'nt done anything yet but she does talk bad about others, but not trees cut down yet."

K.K slider sat down and we relaxed on the nice comfey black chairs, as he stared to sing I close my eyes and I listened to the wonderful lyrics. The lights turn off, and stage lights matching the rythem of the music. He played five songs and I kept the CD K.K slider gave me.

"I'm so glad to be friends with such a good mayor" Static says to me.

Nan replied, "Statics right, don't worry about Kinomi. The tree of you guys get some sleep! See you again soon."

"Bye Nan!"


"Good night!"

We all went back to our houses. I went to my kichen and started to cook dinner while watching cartoons on my pale red hosptail TV.
The TV is on a self next to a cup of pens, pencils on the left and plants on the right.

I finaly went to bed and was really cozzy intell it was 4am.....................

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