Young and Playful

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*Dedicated to the Shadow Books

Prologue: Kaylee is a dedicated artist who just so happens to be a wealthy honors student as well. But some how she ends up moving from Chicago, Illinois to Los Angeles california, and lands herself in Clane High School, a not so smart school that lacks art and and speacials other than foot ball and cheerleading. Her goal is to change the school and bring in a little more enthusiasm by starting an art club and toutoring all of the seniors that really need it, to make it a B+ school.

Zeke Clane is the school owner's son. He is also the quarter back of the school football team and is the school's player. He has landed him self a date with every hot girl in this school and dumped them the next morning just to get a good laugh out of it. His goal is to get himself a date with Kaylee.

They both look the same with their black hair, perfectly tanned skin, drop dead good looks, and hazel eyes, making them look ike the perfect couple wich gives Zeke the exact excuse to boost is ego. Kaylee just wants to be happy and messes with Zeke for fun thinking he can't supply  the happiness she wants. But will the school player go out of his way to get this girl or will she just let him down?


"But mom! I'ts not fair!" i screeched as loud as i could. "No... I'ts completely fair if you want to eat tonight and tomorrow and the next day and the-" "okay okay i get it. We need food. You didn't have to go all creepy like on me." yelled cutting her off. My name is Kaylee Herloff and my mum and I live alone together. She just somehow had to land her already wealthy butt another wealthy job across the friggn country and wont let me stay here at my old school. We have already moved all of our furniture there and our flight leaves in an hour. We are just finishing cleaning our old house and packing our suitcses. We live in Chicago, Illinois but we are now moving our selves out to the semi-popular Los Angeles, California.

"I dont get it though..... Wy do you keep getting high paying jobs if we are already filthy rich?" i asked somehow confused. I started to daze off and think about the things that i am really gonna miss here in chicago. "Kaylee lynn Herloff! Did you hear a word i just said?" my mother asked in an annoyed and serious tone. "Umm yeah not really." i said in a sassy comeback tone. "Then why bother asking?" she yelled. She was really stressed out about keeping this house clean and started lashing her cleaning phobia issues out at me. I abruptly told her my thoughts quickly and them ran from our marble kitchen island to the back door to let my dog in. "Come on bruiser." i said. "It's almost time to leave." Bruiser is my ten year old golden retriever that i have had since my 6th birthday. I am going to be seventeen in a few months and i was going to have nobody but bruiser to celebrate it with. My brother died when i was five and i have never once in my entire little life seen my dad before.

He is a really big jerk though. My mom stopped smoking when she was pregnant with me and he asked her for a smoke. She said no and he lashed out and punched her in the stomach. Then she screamed in immediate pain and yelled out that she was pregnant and he got scared. He went in his room, grabbed $100 off of his nightsatnd, turned towards the front door and left. What a sexest loser he was. Anyways my mum had some huge meeting in New York and was going to be gone for a few days. My birthday just happened to be one of those days. I was going to be the pathetic loser who shared their birthday with a dog.

Our plane ride was amazingly short but it had felt like forever. It was like we drifting like an endless cloud that was spinning in circles at whopping 5 miles per hour. When we got out of the aiport i ran to the front and tried to get a nearby taxi's attention but instead he drove away. My mum was the best at getting peoples attention considering she a fashion designing model. All she had to do was whistle once really loud and yell 'over here' and we had a white stretch limo at our feet.

The kind shoffour put our luggage in the back and opedned our door to let us climb in. "Mum, how do you do that?" i asked genuinly curious. "Lots and lots of practice she said and then we drove away.


Okay, I know that it's just the prologue so its really short but i want your feedback on it on how to make it a lot better. If i get enough feed back or if i just get crazy bored then i wil upload more. Thx ~ Nylah

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