First Day of School

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The First Day of School

            The first day of fall and the pegasus ponies kept the sky cleared for the young ones as the bell rang loudly from the bell tower signaling school was starting. Ms. Cheerilee was standing at the door as every pony walked by saying “Good Morning.” All the ponies took their seats as Ms. Cheerilee walked in front of the classroom and clear her throat “Welcome students to another new year of school!” she was happy and excited to see all the new faces as she walked around to her desk she sat their looking at him her voice was soft and mellow “Now class to start today off when I call your name please introduce yourself to the class” she smiled as she pulled out a list of names from her top drawer.

            “Now may I have Berry Cherry to the front” she smiled sweetly as a young Pegasus pony walks up to the front of the class. Her coat was a bright pink and her hair was a dark pink. The other students though she was pinkie pie’s daughter. The young Pegasus smiled and bowed her head “Hi I’m Berry Cherry. Ms. Cherry Jubilee is my aunt and I want to be a cherry farmer just like her!” her voice had that accent just like Apple Jack herself now ponies were talking.

            “Thank you Berry now can I have Ms. Toxic Flower?” she was hesitant to say her name unsure she said it right. An earth pony walks up to the front her coat a lime green as her mane was black as night. She opened her eyes reviling lime green “I’m Toxic Flower named after a flower my parents found in the everfree forest I don’t have any goals ahead of me at this time I just want to explore” her voice had no emotion to it. It gave the class the chills as she walked back to her seat.

            “Ummm thank you now can I have a Ditzy Do?” It was Ditzy’s turn her brother Soran walked up with her to the front. He was protective of his sister. Ditzy had a Grey coat with sunflower mane and her eyes were golden. Ditzy was a unicorn like her grandmother Vanilla Berry. Soran was a Pegasus pony with a white coat and dark blue mane like their father. “Hi I’m Ditzy I like to help my mom deliver the mail and make muffins!! I want to run my own muffin bakery or at least help Pinkie pie!” she smiled. Her brother Soran cleared his throat as he bowed “My name is Soran and I want to be like my uncle Soran and fly in the wonderbolts” his eyes light up when he mentioned his uncle.

            “Okay both great goals. Next up will be Wooden Toaster.” She got up from her seat in the back, she and three other ponies walk up to the front. Wooden looks at the class and smiles sweetly “other ponies call me Glaze” she turns to her friends standing next to her “This one is the living Tombstone, the next one is Micthe Microphone and the last one is Brony Party” she points to each pony as she flutter her wings a bit. “We write songs and sing them and Brony there makes illustrations for them. We all want to be famous one day like Djpon3.” Glaze had a yellowish green coat with a lime green mane with strips of neon yellow. The living tombstone had a grey coat with a light blue mane and he stepped forward “my parents own the funeral parlor for Canterlot and ponyvile but I love to sing” his voice was cracking as he was nervosa for some reason. Micthe microphone walked forward next “My parents are currently running a club up in Canterlot. I like being in front of the mic singing that where my name came from” his voice was strong and loud for all of us to hear. His mane was dark grey coat and a darker grey mane with streaks of red. The last one in the class and in the group was Brony Party. His coat was a dark blue with sunflower yellow hair “I’m Brony party and my family is always on the move but I live in town with Pinkie Pie at the moment. I really love to draw” he smiles his voice quiet as a mouse.

            “okay class that seems to be everyone at the moment now it’s time for some recess. And when you all get back we will tell you what you need for classes from now on.” Ms. Cheerilee opens the door letting the class out.

            Everyone found something to do with every other pony but Ditzy she sat at the fence watching her mom deliver mail in town as toxic walks over to Ditzy as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walked by making snood comments “her mom needs to be grounded for good or at least locked up” they laughed as Toxic looked over at them and grin “ooo look what we have here Ditzy some Spoiled rich Brats we can throw in the everfree forest” hearing what Toxic just said made Diamond and silver run for the middle of town as Toxic look over to Ditzy.

            “Don’t cry their just lazy ponies with too much time on their hands. I bet they don’t even know what hard work is” she looked over towards town. “Come on I have and extra muffin you can have” what toxic just said made Ditzy feel better and eased her brother Soran who was watching from afar trying to get her sister to make friends. Soran was relived as he was talking to Glaze about songs and the wonderbolts. Ditzy was having fun as Toxic introduce her to Berry. The ponies were all having fun and talking to each other, as the bell rung and Ms. Cheerilee walked out with a stack of papers and she set them on a table next to Toxic.

            “Please take one and have a nice day everyone.” She walked back in as many of the students left and Winter and Derpy both arrived right before Ditzy tackled her mom feeling happy she was there for her like she promised.

(to be continued)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2012 ⏰

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