Must Love Dogs

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by: themightychipmunk

3,395 words

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*     *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Eddie may or may not have been very high. Like a level of high that he had never ever been before, and it was all Mike's fault. Of course, at the time Eddie would never blame Mike for it, but that was just because he was high and for lack of a better phrase, he was viewing the whole fucking world with rose colored glasses. In the best way possible.

Future-Eddie of course would look back on the moment where Mike forgot to tell Eddie that the weed in the bong was moon rocks and think wow Mike really fucked me over. Or when he thought about how Mike got distracted by Stan bending over in the corner and held the flame over the bowl a little too long for Eddie to handle, he would think yeah he definitely fucked me over. Or when he thought about when Stan came over and gently teased Eddie for not being able to complete the rip and made him finish it and Mike didn't say anything to defend him, he would think Mike is a horny coward who totally fucked me over.

But at the moment, everything was soft and floaty and the burning in his chest was finally subsided and Stan was driving him to go get a McFlurry. Why would he be mad at Mike when it was his actions that got him to this very moment? He could hear Hozier playing on the radio, Stan's soft voice singing along, and the sky was blue and bright, puffy clouds slowly moving along and he got a long time to stare at them too because they were stuck in LA traffic and-

Oh. My. God.

"A dog!" Eddie screamed, staring out the window and at the car a few spots ahead of them to the left. He pointed to the fluffy brown and white dog that was poking his head out the window and felt tears spring to his eyes because he didn't know it before but this was exactly what he needed at that moment.

"Oh wow, what a great dog." Mike agreed, craning around Stan to see him as well, eyes just as red and heavy as Eddie's.

"She looks so... regal." Eddie mused and he practically crowed when their lane moved forward and Eddie was right next to the dog. Karma had a real good kiss for him today.

"I wonder what she's thinking about." Mike whispered, staring at her dreamily and then... the dog SAW THEM. And she BARKED. And Eddie knew, he knew she was talking to him. She wanted to meet him. Eddie unbuckled his seat and rolled down the window, ignoring Stan's pleas not to.

"She wants to meet me!" Eddie groaned and he reached out to touch soft fur. The dog barked happily and smelled Eddie's hand with her little wet nose. Eddie literally choked on a sob because he loved dogs so much. He always wanted one growing up, but his mom had allergies and they couldn't. She felt bad about it and compromised and got him all the fish that he wanted but it wasn't the same. It wasn't this moment, when with just one sniff he knew this dog would love him forever. And that he would die for her.

"Um, Richie. There is a boy petting Rosalita."

Eddie looked up from the deep brown recesses of his new best friend's eyes and saw a boy who was probably sixteen staring at him like he was crazy (which he probably was but... that's beside the point).

"Is this your dog?" Eddie asked, reluctantly pulling back his hand because oh yeah, you have to ask the owner's permission before you stick the upper-half of your body out of the car to pet a dog. Even a really friendly one with kind eyes and a loving soul.

"Um, no, she's-"

"Mine." A scratchy voice cut-in, pulling Eddie's attention to the driver seat of the car, where a boy with wild curls and a wide smile stared at him, "Wow, Georgie, you didn't say it was a cute boy." Eddie felt his cheeks flush and he spluttered out nonsense for a good five seconds, searching for what to say.

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