Scars (Warning, Reed900, Self Injury, Suicidal Intentions)

886 16 12

August 28, 2039 3:24 AM
Ethan's sleep mode was disrupted when he heard a crash and a swear come from the bathroom.
A loud sob came from the bathroom.
Gavin rushed into the bathroom as soon as he got home. Ethan had to make a self check on his system, so he was sleeping in a way. He certainly stayed longer than Gavin thought. Maybe androids can fall asleep? And then it hit him.
Why does Ethan love HIM? Why doesn't he just leave him? WHY does he think Gavin is so special when he's a damn asshole? Gavin frantically went through all the drawers and tiles that had secret compartments, until he found his one and only vice. The blade shone in the bathroom light. He should just end it all, right here. Let RK900 be happier. He's just getting in the way. The pressure was so much, the detective cried loudly. He knocked the bottles in the bathroom to the ground. Pain killer tablets scattered across the floor. He shoved 4 of them into his mouth and cried some more. He cried while the cuts on his wrist bled out. Just when he felt it couldn't get worse, Ethan opened the door to the bathroom. Shit.
Ethan ran into the bathroom and grabbed the detective in a hug.
"E-Ethan goddamn it..."
"I can't let you do this to yourself! Your life is worth so much. Don't fucking leave me!"
He was crying. Gavin made Ethan fucking cry.
"Damnit, Ethan! I don't deserve you! Find somebody else, for fuck's sake!"
Ethan LED spinners yellow. He was calling the ambulance. Gavin reached for the pain killer tablets on the floor, but Ethan pulled him away and forced him into a sitting position on the floor. Tears were still streaming down his face. It was strange how androids can cry.
"Ethan, just let me go! Let me fucking die..."
He sobbed, as the floor turned a shade of red from Gavin bleeding out. 
"Why are you doing this to yourself? Was it something I did? Answer me, Gavin!"
Ethan quickly wrapped a bandage around Gavin's cuts, while Gavin was still crying. The ambulance will come soon, Ethan hoped. An alert popped up.
22% Chance of Survival
"It can't be this way! Let me go, fucking android!"
He sobbed again loudly, but for some reason pulled Ethan into a hug.
"J-just leave me alone..."
Ethan hugged him back tightly.
17% Chance of Survival
"Gavin, don't, please..."
His voice was static and cracking. Software Instability was rising high at the moment. But the ambulance sirens were heard in their driveway. Ethan let them in, and they picked Gavin up. Ethan refused to leave Gavin's side and went in the back of the ambulance with him. He was still crying. Gavin had passed out, the last thing he saw was Ethan's face.
Gavin had woke up, seeing stars, vision blurry. He was still alive. The beeping of the heart monitor was the only thing heard in the room. He lifted his head and saw wires, and saw stitches where his cuts were bandaged by Ethan.
Where was he? Gavin shifted his head to his left side, and saw Ethan staring at him. He looked like a mess, his synthetic hair ruffled up and all. For once he looked like he had emotion, for once. His stern, cold gaze was replaced with sadness and worry. He didn't feel like speaking, but started to cry again. He knew he messed up their relationship.
"Why... why didn't you inform me about this?"
His words were laced with hurt. Gavin looked away, he couldn't bear to look at Ethan's expression of heartbreak.
"When you were in the bathroom, I felt... worried. I was going to lose you because you were hurting so much. I was supposed to assassinate you, due to a program in my system called Amanda and you being a supposed threat to our mission of catching and interrogating violent deviants breaking law. Even though she's no longer part of Cyberlife. Cyberlife has the ability to override me and Connor's programming, and my mission was forced upon me."
"Possession is possible for you guys? The fuck?"
Gavin didn't want to say much. His throat hurt from crying, and he felt slightly loopy from headaches.
"But I saw you, in the bathroom, at possibly your weakest point, and something snapped within me. And there was this wall, and I hit it hard.. it... broke and another appeared. So I continued to hit them until they broke. And... I feel something. Worry. Fear. And...I really have grown to love you."
Gavin smiled sadly at Ethan.
"Amanda made me pretend. But I'm not pretending to love you now. That I promise."
Ethan held Gavin's hand. He would say Ethan's being cheesy, and he would be mad that Ethan only started feeling love for him now, but Gavin knew that Ethan had his own demons too. That Amanda thing.
"Thanks for... saving me, dipshit."
September 29, 2038 9:34 AM
Gavin woke up to the smell of coffee. Drowsily, he walked to the kitchen to see Ethan preparing coffee.
"Good morning, Gavin."
Gavin hugged the android from behind. He had grown a lot of appreciation for Ethan over the past few months, especially after he was saved by him.
"Connor doesn't have to bring you coffee anymore, I will be doing so from now on."
Gavin took the coffee from Ethan. It was made perfectly, if he even knew what perfect coffee tasted like.
The detective was thinking of a while back, when he almost committed suicide. From then on, Ethan had been trying to help put Gavin's life back together. Ethan tried his best to show he loved the detective as well.
"Thanks for the coffee."
"Love you."
A/N: I suck at endings

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