Chapter Nine-The Truth

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Bakago POV

I'm running and running to be the one that defeats Deku because it is partially my fault he turned evil. That thought makes me feel sick but I don't show it all I show is anger in my expression. I hate this so much why Deku why is repeating on and on in my head and soon I reach Hosu but I may have overused my quirk to get here so fast. Oh well, I have bigger things to worry about. Like what I see in front of me is sickening. I see Deku killing mercilessly and creating a huge pile of bodies that keep growing. I want to run away and escape this mess but I can't now because I was just spotted by Deku, so I put on a brave face and get into a fighting stance.

Psyco's POV (Suprise)

I see the one person that caused so much pain throughout my childhood and a giant smile creeps onto my face, I then scream

"Kacchan ready for round two you MOTHERFUCKER!!! Nomu round up people as many as you can for hostages but kill one every time Kacchan lands a hit on anything!!! HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Then it will be their blood on your hands!!!!" Once I say that I charge my former tormenter with the intent to kill and an insane look to go along with it. As I charge Katsuki he seems scared which sends a jolt of joy through me and I feel even crazier if that is possible. All I know is that I want to crave him to become a gruesome piece of artwork of mine. I don't get to make them often but I love to crack the person's bones to create crazy angles, rip/crave the skin off of them for the blood, and much more but they do take a bit of time to make which annoys me but I want to make great work. Although Izu doesn't appreciate the amount of time it takes which is fine cause now I have full control. Then I reach Katsuki and throw many punches, kicks, and knives. They all land but he is still standing so why not taunt him and that'll hopefully break him both mentally and physically. That thought makes my smile grow and then I say

"Kacchan you know this is all your fault right. If you had been a decent human being than maybe things could have had the slight chance of turning out different! But no you tormented me for years! Then I saw my mom the only one that cared shot in the head because ALL-MIGHT FAILED TO SAVE HER!!!!!!!! He destroyed my faith in heroes and you, you broke my spirit but you kept beating, burning and cutting me down with words so I'll return the favor tenfold you FUCKIN ASSHOLE!! NOW DIE, MOTHERFUCKER!!!!" I then stab him in the stomach and twist the knife so I can cause more pain I then put my hand where his heart is and turn that area to dust just as he dies I see the rest of class 1-A in shock and I know that they heard me. I then get the text from Tomura saying that my fun is now over. I then yell at the nomu saying

"Nomu kill the hostages and let's go!!" Then a portal open and me and nomu both make it with class 1-A running to Katsuki but he is dead so I smile and escape with nomu. It was so easy and fun that I let Izuku take control again with no fussing.

Izuku POV

I think Psyco and I are close to becoming one because I am so happy that Katsuki is finally dead and will never be a pro-hero, oh and the world will know what caused me to become the crazy person I am today. As I think of this I have a huge smile on my face and a slightly insane look in my eyes because Tomura says to me

"Hey, Izuku is Psyco still in control because you have this crazy glint in your eyes?" I respond with

"No, I'm just remembering killing Kacchan." This made all of them look up at me and smile because they knew what happened between us and always wanted to kill him. I then say

"Now if I can kill All-Might my revenge will be complete as I already killed the guy that shot my mom and Katsuki." I feel less crazy and more like myself now that I talked about today. Then Toga says 

"Let's get this party started!!!" With that said we drank, danced, and were happy the whole night which means we all had a killer hangover the next day. Except for Kurogiri, as usual, he was smart and didn't drink a lot.


I just found out that the ending of this chapter got deleted somehow so I wrote a different one that will help to start the next chapter and I hope you all like this story   :)

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