chapter 3

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(The video above is how I picture Gabriella dancing)

Alessandro's POV

I just got off the phone with Emilio. I told him I was coming to America in the next few days and to be expecting me.  I needed to me there. My father and Antonio would stay behind in Italy.

I have taken over for the family 'buisness' but my father knew that this was important to me. Giovanni and I will be leaving in the morning. Giovanni was my right hand man.

We grew up together in Italy. His mother was the sister of Antonio, my father right hand man. Emilio said he was going to Tulsa Oklahoma to see in to his new club. He wanted to make sure it was still in good hands by his own eyes.

Gabrielle's POV

" I got ahold of that man finally he infurates me to no end." Anime said

" Oh good now you can stop whining and get ready. I need a shower I'll be ready in 45 min." I told her walking to the bathroom to shower and shave

I did what I needed to do In the shower. The hot was cascading down my body felt so good. Relaxing my muscles. Using my coconut milk shampoo and body wash. I exited the shower and dried my self off. Using my coconut milk lotion. Yeah I know I'm obsessed with coconut.

I washed to my bedroom with a towel wrapped around my body I walked to my closet to retrieve my clothes. After getting dressed I put styling products in my hair giving me more curl. I loved my semi blonde hair. I had decided to leave my hair down so the curls would Cascade down my back.

The doorbell rang anime yelled she had it so I did my makeup light and natural with light pink lip stick. I spritzed some body spray on with just a hint of glitter in it for a fun effect.

Walking to the living room Obie looked at me and started cat calling me. "Damn baby if I was straight we would not be leaving this house!" He said looking at what I was wearing.

I had on a sleeveless shirt with said little bling. Black skinny jeans and my silver knockoff expensive platform high heels with black Onix earrings to set it off. I couldn't help it I had to do a little twirl. " Oww oww owww " they both howeld I had to giggle anime is wearing a black skinny tight dress that barely covered her ass.

"If you don't get layed tonight it's your own fault not mine" I told her

" I'm not looking to get layed Gabby I'm looking to have a good time with my bestest friend ever" she said

" Ladies let's go to Tulsa they have a new club they just opened last month it's supposed to be really sick." He said u really think u seen him drooling.

As we entered the club the atmosphere was intense.  Misic blaring you could feel it in you chest. I spotted the bar to my right " lest get some shots " I said trying yell over the music "okay" anime yelled at me

" I'm going to go see if I can find my prince charming" Obie yelled
to us both

" Have fun " we both yelled at the same time

Walking up to the bar it was beautiful neon light behind the bottles to intinseify the colors. The cute bartender came over " well hello beautiful ladies what can I get you." He said

" Two Tulsa bombs please" I asked him leaning so I didn't have to yell at him too much.

" Coming right up" he confirmed

Emilio's POV

I got out of the SUV I rode in to my new club. I needed to make sure that everything was running smoothly. I was here opening night but I haven't been back since. Roberto was falling me close behind. He was my right hand man the one that I felt safe he would be there. I trusted him with my life. I walked up the stairs to my office and sat in the chair. The window behind my desk was a one way mirror. I could see the floor but no one could see me it was also bullet proof. I was looking at the dance floor " how has the coppasity been since we opened" I asked the manager Steven

" Good we have not had less than 80% since you opened we are making 250% inrevinew with the alcohol" he told me

"Good I'm glad it's doing good" I told him

As I was still sleeping the floor looking I seen the most beautiful woman in my life. She had this blonde hair that cascaded waves down her back. She was sitting at the bar with another girl. They were laughing her laugh was genuinely a sight to see. I wondered what it sounded like. I bet it was light you were touched by an angel...... What the fuck I do t think like that shit.

" I will be back in a minute" I told Steve. As I walked out the door.

Gabrielle's POV

After doing 2 shots I was feeling the crown running threw my viens.

" I wanna dance " I said to anime

" Ok I'm Gunn sit here and look sexy" she said blowing me a kiss I just shook my head at her and giggled

As I made my way to the dance floor I was already dancing. Running my hands through my hair and swaying my hips suductively with the rythum  of the music.  Turning and twisting felling my body feel the music. As the music changed to a faster beat I found d myself jumping with the beat twisting and twirling. I felt someone come up behind me and start dancing with me. I started grinding myself on them. The crown running threw my viens was my liquid courage. I brought my hands up to the back of his head and ran my finger threw his hair. His face was so close to my ear I could feel his breath. His collonge was feeling my senses engulfing my ability to think. I turned to him and looked him straight in the eyes and continued to dance with him as the song ended I pulled away " thanks" I said and walked back to Anime

" Let's go home I'm ready" I told her

" Ok Obie's by the door anyway" she said as we stated for the door

Emilio's POV

I was frozen those eyes I have seen those eyes before. But where I needed to know who she was. As I walked to the bar she was gone I looked around I couldn't see her anywhere.

" Where's the girls that were right here?" I asked the bartender

" They just left" he told me

I had to finder again.  I just had to

Hello my beautiful lovleys I hope you like Thai chapter we are getting to the good parts I promise don't for get

Hello my beautiful lovleys I hope you like Thai chapter we are getting to the good parts I promise don't for get

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