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   "Why are you here? Why there's blood at your mouth?" Myungjun asked, panting heavily. There must be something happened to him. Jinwoo kept quiet, head hang low.

    "If you don't wanna explain for your injury, fine. But just explain why are you here?" Myungjun impatiently asked. He wanted to strangle and choke the answers out of him. Jinwoo pursed his lips, avoiding the older male's eye contact.

    "The reason why I'm here is related to why I'm injured. That shit is related to my past and I don't want to share it," Jinwoo replied bitterly, still avoiding his curious gaze. His ears perked up when he scent something familiar, his eyes widened. It was a scent he remembered as a child. His nose twitched

   His eyes twinkled before he transformed himself into a cat. Myungjun heard footsteps behind him. He turned his head.

   "Myungjun? There you are! C'mon, it's already break time!" a tall male walked in with a pink cap, popped his head behind the wall behind them. Jinwoo stumbling towards Sanha, rubbing his head on his pants. Sanha picked Jinwoo up amd scrutinised it.

    "Isn't this the hybrid you're talking about?" Sanha asked, gazing at the small cat. Jinwoo meowed in response. Myungjun was puzzled at Jinwoo's behavior towards Sanha. He hate humans, so why does he acted friendly to Sanha?

    "Let's go to our spot! Luckily it's not in the canteen or else he would be caught," Sanha chuckled, carrying the cat like a baby. Myungjun's mind is now a mess, questions popping in his head. He shook his head to clear his mind and soon followed behind the youngest.

    Sanha looked at the cat with worried eyes. He put his idex finger at his lips, indicating Jinwoo to keep quiet about him. Jinwoo nodded.


    "Hey guys, look at Myungjun's cat! He's cute, isn't he?" Sanha squealed, running towards a group of people, his hand waving in the air. Jinwoo noticed a brown-haired boy wearing a beanie pursed his lips. He scent the same smell again, but a bit different.

    Oh, another one.

    Jinwoo hopped down from Sanha's arms and strolled towards Minhyuk, rubbing his head to his pants like what he did to Sanha, but no too affective, to show that he was not going to exposed them being hybrids.

    "Come here, kitty," Moonbin called, rubbing his thumb together with his middle and index fingers. He clicked his tongue repeatedly to attract the cat. Jinwoo beared his teeth, a low hiss could be heard. His fur prickled.

    "Kitty, he's not gonna hurt you. All humans here are good," Sanha crouched down, petting him. Jinwoo walked backwards to avoid his hand. He hates to be pet.

    "Since you all know that he's a hybrid and he suddenly appeared in this school, his name is Park Jinwoo," Myungjun explained. Sanha furrowed his eyebrows. That name seems familiar but he shrugged, not bothering to remember anything. Jinwoo walked towards Myungjun, meowing.

    "What is it, Jinwoo? Can you transformed into human so that I could at least know what you're talking about?" Myungjun sighed. He was frustrated about Jinwoo's strange behavior when Sanha butt into their conversation.

   This is quite a confusing chapter so please ask questions abt it and I will be happen to answer. Also, I like it when you guys comment. It makes me smile that you enjoyed how this plot goes. Thank you very much!

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