Chapter 3 (the end)

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They’d been sitting in Starbucks on a sofa near the back for almost an hour, conversation varying from music, to games, to TV shows and films. It was honestly incredible how similar they were. As Dan grew in confidence as he talked to Phil he decided to break the ice on a potentially awkward topic – YouTube. But he needed to reveal this to Phil in the least awkward way possible.

“So, Phil” Dan said nervously

“Mm?” Phil said between sips of his drink.

“What’s snokoplasm?” Dan asked shyly, avoiding Phil’s eyes.

Phil almost choked, before realisation dawned in his eyes,

“Everything you have ever dreamed of”, he said with a wink.

“Phil, seriously”

“You’ll never know” he said with a playfully evil grin, “So, you do watch my videos? Or did you just look me up last night?”

Dan relaxed a little as he answered, “Actually, I’ve kind of been subscribed to you since 2006. I really love your videos, they’re amazing, you’re...” Dan trailed off not wanting to finish his sentence for fear of sounding creepy. Phil laughed playfully, his tongue slightly sticking out on one side between his teeth. “Damn he’s gorgeous”, Dan thought to himself.


Phil couldn’t believe it, of all the people in the world, his soulmate was someone who watched his YouTube videos. He didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing yet, but at least it meant that Dan may like him. Wanting to find out more, Phil asked, “Have I ever talked to you online before? Like on twitter or something?”

“Actually, you’ve tweeted me twice, just stupid stuff, like hearts and smiley faces.” Dan felt his face flush, but he didn’t mention that he could remember the exact dates and tweets word for word, nor did he mention how excited he’d gotten when he saw the notifications.

Phil smiled at him, almost as if he knew, but didn’t press the matter because of how adorably Dan was blushing. Instead he complimented Dan on the Muse t-shirt he was wearing, thankful for the change of topic, Dan began comparing his favourite Muse albums and songs with Phil.

Laughing, they sank deeper into the soft fabric of the sofa which would soon become known to them as their Starbucks sofa.


2:00. Dan and Phil decided it was time to go on the Manchester Eye. As they approached the wheel, Phil grabbed Dan’s hand and half-dragged him towards the wheel with excitement. Dan’s face flushed because of the contact. It is said that the hands of two soulmates fit perfectly into one another – and the way Dan and Phil’s fingers interwove could only be described in such a way. The area was quiet due to most people having a lazy New Years Day in with their loved ones, so Dan and Phil were able to get on the wheel almost immediately with an entire pod to themselves.


After a moment’s silence as the admired the beautiful view of Manchester, Dan said quietly, “Do you really think that we’re soulmates?”

“Well, unless we were both heavily drugged last night...”, Phil said, trying to make light of a pretty heavy question, until finally, Phil admitted, “I don’t know, I think so”, before adding quietly, “I hope so.”

Dan smiled shyly at him, his dimple showing slightly.

Goosebumps ran up Phil’s body as he thought, “I really hope he likes me too”.

Then Dan leaned forward, closed his eyes, and pressed his lips against Phil’s.

Then Phil’s heart did that flippy over thing.

It’d never really done that before.

So that was nice.

--The End--

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2014 ⏰

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