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i moved to korea following my dumb ass friend. or should i say ex friend. me and her had a fall out and we eventually stopped talking, she moved out so now it's just me in the house.

it's fun sometimes because i can walk around naked without anyone saying anything but for the most of the time it's really lonely.

and i don't even want to talk about how hard it was to get a job here, i have a office job now and i work part time at a small cafe not that far from the house.

jin and namjoon both run the place they both are gay but they act like they aren't but you can obviously tell they both are dating.


8:54 pm

since i was so bored i'm going to go to a club. i'll go to a regular club for foreigners i don't really know though, weird stuff always happens when i go.

i chose to go anyway.

i pulled my hair into a slick back bun and laid my edges while i was at it. i put on my average make up nothing to much or to little just enough for my liking and put on a nice mid length fitting dress

i grabbed my pocketbook and made my way out the door. i'm not planning on staying long , i'll just go and get food right after.


i was sitting at the bar drinking my alcoholic drink enjoying my time looking at all the drunk adults grinding on each other making a fool of themselves. when suddenly someone came and sat next to me.

i don't mind it because they might just be ordering something.


i turned my head to see him. he was cute. he spoke to me in english which surprised me, but i could tell we wasn't good at it. i didn't want to be rude so i greeted him back in korean.


"oh wow! you speak korean?"


"wow your korean is very good!"

he smiled at me, cute. it kinda weirded me out because i only said 'yea' and 'hey', but whatever.

"you're very pretty. i like your hair."

that's a common compliment i get from people here, it doesn't bother me.


i turned my head again facing down to my phone scrolling through random instagram post.



"taehyung that's my name."

"oh cool my name is Y/N"

"do you have a kakaotalk?"

i didn't mind giving him my kakaotalk he seemed nice

"yea it's (random username)."

"i got it!"

he smiled again.

"okay i gotta go, text me sometime."



"don't you think you can stay a little longer? just a little?"

"uh i'm kinda tired taehyung. don't worry i'll text you from kakaotalk okay?"

"oh y-yea"

i turned and made my way out the door and was on my way apartment. theres like a little beat down park park a few blocks before my house and i wanted to sit down for a while because my feet hurt from my heels

but before i could even sit down i heard this loud squealing noise it scared the mess outta me.

i looked around to see where it was coming from and it was coming from a broken piece of a slide.

who even strong enough to break a slide?

it must have been recent because i don't remember that being broken. i reluctantly walked over to the broken piece and took a peek under it.

"holy shit!"

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