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   ( I miss karamel so bad you guys don't understand. Also, Mon-els a Gryffindor, you can't change my mind.)

        Mon-el sat in the living area. He held a copy of Harry Potter and the philosophers Stone. He had gotten really into the books on his days off. Which was weird to Kara considering she knew he didn't like the pixies.
        Kara couldn't help but laugh at how Mon-el would read. Sometimes he was bent over the couch, other times he would sit upside-down, his favorite spot was when his head hung off the bed. Today he sat sprawled out on the couch, one of his feet on the top of the couch, the other resting on the table. He held the book in front of himself, occasionally dropping it on his face by accident.
     "Hey Mon-el, guess what I got you today!" Kara said excitedly as she burst into the apartment.
     "Ooo! What?" Mon-el asked as he closed his book and turned to Kara. Kara held up a bag with the deathly hallows symbol on it. Mon-el perked up quickly. He shuffled over to Kara as she chuckled at how funny he looked.
    "I love you" he said as he kissed her on the cheek. Kara watched in excitement as he pulled out a gold and red hoodie. She had gotten him a Gryffindor hoodie. It was his favorite Hogwarts house.
      "Oh! This is awesome!" Mon-el said, pulling the sweater over his head.
      "I was hoping you would like it. I got a size to big on accident but I think it will fit." Kara said. Mon-el pulled her into a tight hug and kissed her.
    "Wait, did you get yourself one? We have to match." He asked.
     "No. They don't have any Ravenclaw ones." Kara said.
     "Awe. I'm sorry.... Hey, why don't you share mine?" Mon-el said.
      "What are you talking about?" Kara asked, before she could say anything more, Mon-el lifted up his sweater over Kara's head and pulled her closer so she would fit by. Kara only laughed at how cute Mon-el was being.
    "Mon-el, your cute and all, but this is choking me." Kara chuckled.
    "Kiss before you leave sweater town?" Mon-el said. Kara smiled and kissed him quickly. Mon-el pulled her into a deeper kiss. Kara smiled into their kiss as mon-el picked her up.
     "Mon-el seriously, if you want this to go any further, I gotta leave sweater town." Kara said. Mon-el helped her out of the sweater, and then back into the kiss.
     "You must play Quittage, because Kara Davnvers, you are quite the keeper." Mon-el said.
     "Oh Mon-el. You are adorable, but that was so bad." Kara laughed into Mon-els chest.

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