4. I'm Not Losing You Too

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The Dawson Family
*John/Johnny is Peter's older brother who died in the war*

It was sunny the day Peter Dawson joined the Royal Navy. Well, in fact it was the Summer of 1942 when the youngest Dawson signed up at the registration office to join the British Navy to help the war effort.

"Dad! Mum! Dad!" Peter shouted as he ran through the front door of his house, wafting his confirmation papers in his right hand.

"Look! Look at this!" He continued to shout until both his parents walked into the hallway to see what all this fuss was about.

"What is it Peter, Darling" Mrs.Dawson politely answered her excitable son, who was still wafting his papers around.

"I've done it!" Peter beamed "I'm in the Navy! And I'm off next week!" Peter was now bouncing on his tiptoes and pushing his papers into his mum's pale face.

"Oh Peter, my boy" was all she muttered out as she flipped through the confirmation papers shaking her head lightly.

"Are you proud of me mother?" Peter continued to beam.

"Yes my boy... you could say that" came her reply.

"Dad! Dad! What do u think?"

Peter turned over to his father who looked at his sons paper the disapproval clearly showing on his face.

"Dad, I'm gonna be like Johnny. I'm gonna be just like him. Aren't you proud father?"

"Peter... what have you done." Mr Dawson almost whispered back, his hands tightening onto the parchment papers that clearly showed in black ink Peter Dawson's signature. 

"I'm helping the war effort father. I'm tried of sitting at home and doing nothing while boys go off to fight for the country.

Peter continued.

"Can't you remember Tommy and Alex? Boy! Can't you remember Collins?! Look what they all did. Why can't I do the same?"

"Yes, Peter I do. I do remember them. I remember them all."

"So why father are you disappointed?" Peter asked his excitement slowly fading.


"Because what father. Because what?"


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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