Chapter 15 ...No One Does It Better...

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"Why exactly would you go do something so stupid like getting yourself drunk when you're underage?" Josh questioned and he sounded like my mom at the moment. 

I took a seat on his couch, refusing to look at him as I said, "I don't know, I guess I just didn't want to think for a bit."

"Clearly, but seriously Ian what were you thinking?"

"I just didn't want to think about you anymore." I mumbled under my breath.

Apparently he managed to hear me because I could hear the sound of his breath catch. "What do you mean by that?"

"What do you think?"

I stole a glance up at him as he bit at his lip before sighing, "I don't know what you want from me Ian."

I snapped my head up at that, basically shouting, "It's not that hard to figure out! I want you and nothing else! I want things back to how they used to be and part of me knows that I can't have that! So I just wanted to be numb to it for a moment, I didn't want to think about how much I still miss you and need you."

He was queit after that, seeming lost in his own mind. I watched his deep brown eyes stare into the distance for so long that I was sure he wasn't going to say anything at all. When he did it was barely even a murmur, "Do you think I don't feel the same way?"

I let out a sarcastic laugh, "Honestly, no I don't."  

Josh finally looked at me and there was disbelief heavy in his gaze as he shook his head. "There hasn't been a day that I haven't thought about you or what we had. I've missed you so much, but I was so afraid that you would never be with me again after you found out what I do for a living. That's what I was afraid of in the first place. I knew that most people couldn't handle the idea of dating someone with my sort of profession. I fought off my attraction to you for a long time because of that, but then after awhile I knew that there was no use. I had already been falling for you by then."

My jaw dropped at his confession, he had wanted to tell me the whole time and I had just blown everything out of proportion. He had been as terrified as I had been with my secrets, this was all done out us both simply not wanting to lose each other, but that's what ended up happening anyway. 

I had to fight so hard to keep my voice from shaking as I asked, "Do you want to give this a try again then?"

A smile took over his face as he nodded before basically pouncing on me, pinning me to the couch with a desperate kiss. God I have missed your lips, was all I could think before I was lost in the moment. It was like we had never been apart, we fell into each other so easily, it was like singing an old favorite song. My fingers wrapped around locks of his ebony hair as the kiss got deeper. I felt so good to have him against me, to know that he was mine once more. 

We didn't take it any further, just kept it to kissing, so much kissing. It was the most gentle he had ever been with me and he continuously stroked my face, hair, and neck; like he couldn't believe I was there beneath him.

After awhile I accidentally let out a yawn and all Josh did was chuckle, "Did I tire you out babe?"

I laughed softly, only nodding.

Josh got to his feet and pulled me up along with him saying, "Let's go to bed then."

We padded up to his room, hand in hand, before crawling onto the large mattress and curling up to each other under the slightly chilly covers Sleep found me quickly and I had to admit that I almost didn't want to fall asleep. I wanted to relish in this, I had my love back.


I had always known that my mother had liked Josh, I just never really knew how much. Well right then I got find out. Josh just being in my house apparently gave away the fact that we were back together and I had the ever loving shit scared out of me when she decided to let out a scream over it. 

"You're back!" She squealed as she ran over to hug him tightly. 

All Josh could do was laugh as he put his arms around her to return the embrace and the smile on his face was honest, he had seemed to have missed my mom too. 

"Hi Tammy." He greeted her as she still held onto him.

"Alright mom, you can let him go now. He's not going to run away." I tell her with a laugh.

She finally released him, but she clearly wasn't done with him all together as she said, "We've missed having you around here Mr. Osbourne."

"I've actually missed being here Mrs. Smile." He teased a bit. 

Surprisingly she didn't press on the issue anymore than that, she only patted his shoulder. "It's good to see you."

She gave me a quick peck on the nose before leaving us alone in the kitchen.

"I kind of figured she'd be made at me, that was pretty surprising." He remarks when he knows she won't be able to hear him. 

I shrugged as I sat down at the table, "I guess she'd rather see me happy."

He rose an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat before speaking, "I was just really down the whole time we broke up and I know she hates seeing me like that, so that's why she's acting the way she is. Also it doesn't hurt that she's always been really fond of you, without her I probably would have never talked to you the night you moved in next door."

"Really?" He questioned, sounding amused by this.

"Yep, you would have just been the boy next door." 

"So what am I now?"

I felt a blush creep up into my cheeks as I said, "The best thing I've ever had."

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