chapter 3

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Deku ( midoriya ) pov

I went home after the party and after this morning. I feel so bad and not that I've got to go to school. I hope I don't bump in to bakugou at UA today. I get up to do my normal rootean for school and after I'm Dressed for school I go down stairs and say bye to mom.

Skip to school

I got to school and to find my friends and go up to them and say hi. "Hi guys"
And the next minit they say hi and they ask what happend to me at the party. I told them what happend and they where so shocked.
"Wait you found yourself naked and with bakugou naked to" uraraka said but more like questioning " "Yeah why" I asked her she looked at me shocked and the next minit she asked me if I felt funny I said no " okay give it a week and if you feel eneything different then take a test okay" uraraka serjested. I simply noted my head.
"Have u told your mum know what happend at the party yesterday" she asked
"No my mum would probably freak out" I told her.
And after the take all of a sudden the door Is burst down we all look at the door just to find it was bakugou. Wait what bakugou I started to freak out and I did entry know what to do and I really don't want to see him im to inbarest. And he sounded really anoyd at someone and I wounder hom that could be. Some of the guys asked what was wrong with him. I eased dropping on his conversation "what's wrong today" kirishima asked "when we where at the party something happened between me and midoriya " bakugou told his friends.
Wait what happend between you and midoria uraraka asked but in a scery tone I think she was trying to help shut bakugou up and I think it worked.
Bakugou pov

I walked in and pissed off at what happend but I was not mad mad just anoyd.
"Yo what wrong and why so mad or pissed" one of my friends kirishima asked
"when we where at the party something happened between me and midoriya" I told him nonchalantly and befor I could arwnsering kirishima question uraraka came up to me very scary and asked what happend but it was more like she was secretly trying to shut me up. I presented that I did not see midoria Eassie dropping on my conversation. I just laught to my self she notice that and freed up.

Lunch time

Midoriya pov

Me and uraraka when the some where quiet to eat that was when out of no where I felt sick " sorry I feel sick all of a sudden" I was going to the bathroom when I bumped into to bakugou " sorry" was all I said and all I could her was "are u okay " I shakedown my head yes and I ran into the girls bathroom and I was sick for no reason I wondrous why?. I got out of the bathroom and I saw bakugou standing out side the girls bathroom. "Why are you here" I asked bakugou "well i was scared because you ran to the bathroom so quickly I was worried" he said with concern in his voice as that happend the bell went " well we should be geting back to lessons." I said doing the question " okay" bakugou said. It's weird all day to day he has been nice to me I wonder why.

Schools finished

At the end of the day I saw bakugou coming out of school and I whant ed to ask him why he has been so nice to me today. "Hay bakugou" I shouted to get his attention.i walked up to him and he asked what I wanted " well i was going to ask why have you been so nice to me today" I asked kind of curious "well i ges I was not in the mood to fight today don't thing I'm being nice to you just because....." He said stopping in mid sentence " because what?" I said mimicking bakugou "because I like you or eneything" he said but the last part was quiet so I ges he must of thought I couldn't hare it but he was wrong I did and I began to blush "you like me" I asked bakugou and he stodgy there shocked that I herd him he was blushing now it was so cute though "umm no you must be hearing things" he said that was a dorable "aww don't be shy I know you like me just say it" I said to him in the end he finely said the words that I was waiting to hear " fineeeee I love you are you happy now" he said with a red face " I love you to to be hounest I thought today was going to be the worst because of buying in to you and what happend at the par" I stopped only to have bakugou lips on mine he pulled away and we where a blushing mess " to be hounest I don't care what happend at the party because now I have a butifull girlfriend" when bakugou said that I began to cry " I'm so happy" I said with pure joy " do you want me to walked you home" bakugou asked and I noted my head in response.

Hope you guys in joyed this chapter bye

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