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peter had retreated back to his room on account of not wanting to meet with anyone for the rest of the night. he turned on his tv and decided to binge watch whatever was on netflix and he just so happened to choose queer eye for the seventh time since last watching it with steve. thinking about steve led to thinking about tony and them to may. she was dying. everyone knew that she was sick, and that the treatments weren't doing much to help her. all she was doing was getting worse and doing her own thing. peter longed for her to get better, this is may were talking about, the only biological family he has left. if peter lost may, he'd have no one. absolutely no one who would really care for him, who put his health before their own, who loved him unconditionally, who accepted him for who he was.

peter picked up his phone and texted may.

8:52 p.m.
peter: hey may!

he smiled as he sent the text knowing that it would make her at least smile to see a message from him. it was suddenly that peter missed his small bedroom at may's apartment, the bunk bed, the small window that overlooked a street that was busy no matter what time of day it was. the kitchen where may created dinner disasters before deciding that they should go out to eat. the living room where may and peter would often spend time together, watching brooklynn nine-nine, the office, parks and rec. the bathroom where may found out about spiderman. ah the memories.

9:01 p.m.
aunt may: hey buddy

9:01 p.m.
peter: hey aunt may how are you doing?

9:03 p.m.
aunt may: i'm pulling on my shoes right now actually pete, i'm headed to the hospital

9:03 p.m.
peter: wait what why????
peter: may?
peter: answer me!!!

9:04 p.m.
aunt may: calm down there buddy, i just threw up a few times, i think its maybe from the chemo but were staying on the safe side.

9:04 p.m.
peter: i'll meet you at the hospital
peter: youre going to the one we usually do right?

9:04 p.m.
aunt may: honey theres no need for that im okay!

9:05 p.m.
peter: no no exceptions i'll take tony's car and meet you there okay.
peter: go straight to the emergency room
peter: can brielle drive you?
peter: im nervous about you driving

9:06 p.m.
aunt may: peter benjamin parker calm down this instant.
aunt may: i can drive myself
aunt may: i will be fine kiddo

9:08 p.m.
peter: im getting in the car already ill meet you there.

peter knew.
aunt may knew.
tony knew when he saw peter racing out the door in joggers and a sweatshirt with tears falling down his face.
he wouldn't try to stop him either.

9:16 p.m.
peter: im picking you up from your apartment im not comfortable with you driving

9:17 p.m.
aunt may: alright.

peter drove as fast as he could without breaking any safety violations or getting pulled over by a police officer. he had completely wiped anything else from his mind except for his aunt and he wasn't surprised when he pulled up to the apartment building to see a disheveled aunt may leaning up against the glass doorframe with a neighbor holding her up. peter parked his car and ran up to his aunt holding her closely in his arms.

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