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(5 months later)
Patrick's POV

Soon enough I was invited into the little possy of boys my age including Vic Criss, Belch Huggins and of course Henry Bowers."The one and only"I think rolling my eyes.

The amount of attention he gets in the school is crazy.Ive always been a shy kid but being friends with Henry means everyone knows you.

It also ment you had to have a hatred for every "weird" kid in the school.What even is weird? Like a kid who's asthmatic or a kid who stutters, a Jewish kid, a trashmouth?

I guess I'm Henry's book that's not normal in a person it's "weird" and it makes them losers.

As well as getting attention from students at school like the jocks who are basically begging him to join the team or the student council who think he'd be a great fit for president.

He gets the most attention from girls.

They're all over him....all the time.And he loves it,you can tell by his stupid smirk that he loves the attention,the praise,the glory.

He does the most brutal and horrible things to people and all he does is get applause for it.

It took me about 3 months to realize me and Henry were not a like at all.

I found my self acting in different ways to get his attention and doing the things he wanted even though I was thought as a kid not to do those things.


That's what they call me but still I get praised for doing it.I knew that bully was an insult but at this school it's used as a compliment.

It's bullshit I've kept this act up for the praise of one person Henry Bowers.

Not everyone else.I don't care about them and the more I get to know who my friends are the less I care for them either.

I've gotten use to the look of disappointment on my mothers face as she reads the letters that are sent home from school almost daily.

She doesn't shout or scream.

She doesn't punish me.

She doesn't kick me out.

She does much worse.She does something that hits my heart everytime.

She cries.

She just cries for hours.Sometimes it lasts days.Everytime I try and apologize she walks away.She walks to her room or to the bathroom and locks herself in there and cries.

I kills me to see her hurt like that.She gets like that often ever since my dad died she's been on edge about stuff like that.I used to love seeing the look on her face when she came home from work and I'd make her a big dinner and I record her favourite show for her to watch while she ate.

It used to be the only way to cheer her up.The only way to see her smile.

She never smiles anymore.Even if I make her a big dinner.She never smiles.

She's been tired a lot more and she usually skips dinner in the evenings.

I know that me getting into trouble at school hurt her and yet I'm still here, spray painting the side of the school.

My friends snicker as they spray paint all sorts of stuff on the big wall.

I stood there frozen.A spray can in my hand.I watched as they continued to spray useless shit on the wall.

Henry had spray painted "Faggots should go to hell" huge in red on the wall.

Vic spray painting "they're not normal" in green with a little arrow pointing to what Henry had said.

I can't believe that I had liked that freak when I first met him.

I didn't think he was like this.I thought he had a heart somewhere in that chest of his.

I was wrong.

I look to the other side of the wall to see Belch spray painting little yellow hearts on the wall.

I chuckle lightly.

Belch.I feel sorry for him too.Im worse then him I at least get in trouble for a reason I participate in everything bad that we do.

But belch,he doesn't the worst he's done is stand by and watch.And he still gets in trouble for stuff we do.

He doesn't deserve it.He's only ever sweet to people he never hurts or calls people names but he's pursued as a bully because of the people he hangs around with.

I walk up to him slowly.I stand next to him watching him continue to spray paint little hearts in different colours making a pattern.

"That's nice"I add."Thanks"he says smiling.

"Can I add a heart?"I ask.

"Sure"he says stepping aside so I could have room to add a heart.

I spray a heart on the wall in blue.

Henry pushes past."Pfft what's this shit"he says picking up the black spray paint and covering the hearts with a big "Fuck School" across the wall.

"WHAT ARE YOU BOYS DOING?"I hear a shout from behind us.

"Shit"I mutter.

We try and run away but it's not long before we get caught and taken to the principals office.

We all get the long,boring talk that we get almost everyday.

The principal drawns on about following the rules of the school before giving us all a note to get signed from our parents.

We walk out of the office and the bell rings for school to end.

I walk out of the school doors looking at the note in my hand.

Tears prick my eyes as I think to what state my mom will be in seeing the 4th note this week.

I look down at it letting a tear drop stain the front of it.

I rip it up and throw it in the bin next to me before running home.

Thought y'all would appreciate some angst😛😛😛😛😛😛

Honestly I'm sorry for not updating in yyyeeeaaarrrsss I mostly completely forget about books that I write 1 or 2 chapters for😕

Also I just saw that this has 1k reads so thanks for that and I hope you enjoyed this chapter❤️❤️❤️

contagious love |Henry Bowers x Patrick Hocksetter|Where stories live. Discover now