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"we can't do this"

Patrick's POV


I fling myself to the other side of the bed.....embarrassingly. Desperately trying to come up with something to say to not make this incredibly weird, or make me look incredibly weird.

"O-Oh you thought I was going to kiss you?,like actually"I say trying to save my ass.

"Uh yeah....seemed that way"Henry replied with spite in his eyes.

"Why would I do that? Even if I was a f*ggot you're not exactly good looking" I chuckle at myself.

He stays silent. I look up and into his eyes. The spite has faded now and hurt has replaced it. My heart drops in my chest, he always makes those fucking eyes he knows it makes me feel bad !

"Seriously? If it would be so disgusting to kiss me then why do you lean into me like you're gonna make out with me at any second?"Henry asks the tone in his voice getting more pissed with every word.

"I never said disgusting don't be such a drama queen" I roll my eyes.

"I'm not a fucking drama queen" he says standing up to get in my face. I stand up right after him, me being the taller one is handy.

"Y e s you are"I say purposefully making my voice deeper.

He bunches up the collar of my shirt in his hand and pins me roughly against the wall. "Say that again, I dare you".

"You're a fucking drama queen" I say a smirk on my face like I've won the battle.

"S-shut up !"Henry blurts out obviously not knowing what else to say.

"Make m- hmhp" I'm interrupted by Henry pressing his lips against mine.I kiss back softly not knowing what his objective is here.

He pulls the ends of my hair hard "Ow Henry-!" He presses his lips against mine again keeping my mouth open so he can press his tongue in.

We're now pressed up against my bedroom wall, my hand holding onto the closet for dear life.He roaming my mouth with his tongue like he's about to mark his territory.

I fight back, pressing my tongue back against his. Tasting every bit of his mouth and loving all of it.

He's whines before pulling away. A line of saliva trailing from my mouth to his.Were both breathing heavily.

"Why can't we do this?" I ask him.

"If anyone found out they'd-"he says trailing off.

"Nobody will find out"I say gripping his hip lightly as a way of comforting him. I peck him softly on the lips. "We'll keep in indoors ,and outdoors we just act like we always have" I suggest.

He nods softly.

"Now unpack your bag cause I'm not letting you leave anytime soon" I say laughing a bit .

"Noo I'll do it in the morning !" he whines and falls back on the bed pressing his face to the sheets.

"Fine fine , but you better not run away from me" I smiling collapsing onto the bed next to him.

"Goodnight Patrick"




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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2020 ⏰

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contagious love |Henry Bowers x Patrick Hocksetter|Where stories live. Discover now