Hi my name is Yuri shimoneta I am an artist I like to paint the waves of the ocean every day I come to the cliff and draw ocean art in acrylic and oil paint I try my hardest to capture the life of the ocean as beautifully as I can . Today I want to paint the ocean while its raining so I put all my art supplies in a water proof satchel and kept my canvas in the plastic wrap grab my keys and hop on my motorcycle and stop at the top of the cliff i go down the stairs and set up under the natural hood/cave thing right under the top of the cliff its still about 85-90 feet in the air so I should get an amazing view of the ocean and the rain
I get out my paints and begin to draw I see a bird on the very edge of the cliff and add it to my painting a few hours later many people have come by as usual to see me paint some even leave tips I dont know why I dont find what im doing to be that entertaining to most people but I appreciate it anyway . Once I finish i usually set in on the edge to dry but seeing as its raining I'll set it on the cave wall close enough to dry fast but far enough to not get wet. I take out an energy bar and sit on the edge to feel the rain its peaceful the bird from before came over to steal some of it later some girls came down to play football I turn my head and smile that is something new i like it I turn back around and rest my head on my hand when the girl throws the football at me on accident and I fall the older one rushes to grab my hand but fails I brace for death but it never comes I see the girls starring in horror but its in a blue tint I feel wet then I hear something "oh no" I hear "we can not kill something that has loved us so beautifully" I look around and try nit to breath im under the water but im not drowning I feel a hug like sensation as im carried by the waves to the beach and set down by the water .... I whisper "I could have sworn my name was Yuri , I was Korean , and I painted the waves....now im moana im Hawaiian and I can interact with them ?!" I stare at the water and I tilt my head I hear it speak again "think of this as a show of our appreciation for your art yurisakia shimoneta" I am astonished no one has ever used my full name i bow to the ocean and I walk up the stairs to grab my things the girls apologize time and time again every five seconds until I start to giggle " girls its alright im fine and so are you both thats all that matters" I give them my painting to show them im not upset though most people would be and I go home.
Short stories
Ficción GeneralI discontinued my Klance story Cuz I didnt like how it was written so I'm making these now , I hope y'all like them (yes that's my art on the cover)