Chapter One

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It wasn't me. I didn't do it. I'm being framed and accused. Somebody else caused the fire that burned down that convenience store. But yet here I am paying the price. I've been sent to Charleston's School for Delinquents.

The guards escort me to my room and I see two other girls sitting on their beds, so when the guards leave I decide to ask them their names and try to get to know them better since I am going to be rooming with them for a while. When the guards finally leave I say, "Hi my name is Katelyn, What's your's?"

"Hannah" says one girl

"Willow" says the other girl

" So what did you guys do to end up here, I was framed for burning down a convenience store."

"I was also framed, I got framed for planting several weeds in town square. It's an odd crime to be accused of but it happened and here I am."

"Wow what a coincidence I was also framed, I got framed for being an illegal impersonator."

Since we were all framed and not actual criminals I have a feeling we are going to get along pretty well and hopefully become good friends.

All of a sudden we hear something from over the intercom," Classes are beginning in fifteen minutes, please begin making your way to your classroom."

"Oh crap, we're going to be late" They say in unison.

"We aren't going to be late classes are in fifteen minutes"

"Our first class is on the second floor"

"Oh crap"

We then all start running down the hallways to the first floor because our room is on the 347th floor and this school has no elevator.

Once we are on the 20th floor and panting I say," why does this school have to be so large?"

"Maybe they make it like this so we have to run to all of our classes so we aren't late"

"Maybe running to class is the real punishment here"

"Maybe they are just cheap and don't want to invest in an elevator"

We then all laugh at our responses.

We make it to our first class with 46 seconds to spare.

"Phew we made it just in time"

"Girls take your seats" The teacher says to us in a very loud and strict tone.

"Yes mam"

We all take a seat next to each other and the teacher begins teaching her lesson. Midway into the lesson she looks the three of us in the eye's and says, "Girls, why are you wearing those necklaces. You know that there is a strict rule for no jewelry in this school. We gave you all the rules handbook to read through so there is no reason for you to be wearing those necklaces."

"Umm I-I-I uh must've missed a page in the handbook"

"I don't believe that for a second, I will have the guards escort you to Headmaster Charleston's office"

Once we get to Headmaster Charleston's office he asks us, "Why has your teacher sent you here?"

"Umm well uh she-" BRING BRING Headmaster Charleston has to leave to go take a phone call so we take this as opportunity to escape.

"We have to get out of this school, we don't belong here"

"We can escape through the vents!"

We make it into the vents without anybody seeing us but once we are up there we all have no idea what direction to go. We all then hear, "They're gone!" We all suddenly look at each other.


Word Count: 584

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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