Terrence x Bullied!Reader | Part 2

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I'm so sorry this chapter took such a while to come out (even though it's short). I thought I had last updated on 8/14/2018 and I was like "hey, it's 7 days later iM ON TIMEEE"

But I actually last updated on 8/5/2018. So I'm actually 16 days late hHHHH

Apparently I don't know how time works?? my bad y'all TwT

Anyway, thanks for being patient with me as I slowly fall into this schedule. I'm setting reminders for myself and writing chapters in advance so I can keep up. Let's hope I understand days better at least XDD

Anyway here's where things get flufFAYYYYY



Your mind drifted, wondering about what had just happened to you. You had been beaten up by the senior bullies, who'd been relentless ever since 4th grade. Then you'd gotten hurt and blacked out. Then you were rescued by Terrence and his sister, Teresa, both of whom were tough and somewhat intimidating (Terrence very much so). They had taken care of you, though, and they were showing you such hospitality that you didn't really know how to react.

You had no idea how long your mind was wandering until a voice snapped you out of it.
"Yo, are you allergic to anything?" Teresa yelled from the kitchen.
"No!" You yelled back.

The house was quiet except for the sound of someone cooking — presumably Terrence. You found your eyelids getting heavy and you were soon fast asleep.

You awoke with the sound of wood creaking. It was heavy and loud enough to be Terrence, and your eyes opened instantly. He was walking towards you with lumbering strides, carrying the wet rag from before in one wing. You shut your eyes tight, hoping that maybe if you were asleep, he wouldn't bother you. He seemed kind enough, but his sheer size and constant scowl still intimidated you.

Sleeping or not, he continued to walk towards you. You could feel your heartbeat quicken in fear. You felt bad about feeling scared but you couldn't help it.

Suddenly you felt something cool against your face, and you flinched visibly, almost letting out a yelp in surprise. Terrence grunted inwardly, and it almost sounded surprised and apologetic at the same time. He lifted the rag off your face slowly, then set it back down when he thought you were calmer. You didn't flinch this time, but you decided to open your eyes slightly.

Terrence was standing over you, gently pushing the wet rag into your forehead. It was cold enough to be refreshing, but not  cold enough to be uncomfortable. Having him so close put you on edge.

After a moment of him pressing it into your feverish head, you summed up the courage to mutter a small "thank you." He nodded, looking a bit happier. You still felt bad that you'd been so afraid earlier. He didn't seem quite so bad. Maybe kinda sorta.

"I-I don't mean to be rude or anything, because I r-really appreciate what you and your sister have done for me! But uh, aren't you cooking dinner?" You stammered.

He looked at you and made a noise that almost sounded like a mumble. The words were loose and grumbley and it was hard to make out what he said. You realized that this was his way of talking. You guessed he talked through grunts and mumbley, grunt-like speech.

From what you could piece together, it sounded as if he said, "Teresa's got it for now."

After a pause, he laid the towel on your forehead. "You okay?" He said through his mumbled tone.

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