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Bangtan Pack are the known pack from the South. They're fierce fighters and have won countless battles making them rulers of the South.

Unlike other packs that only has one Alpha leader, Bangtan is lead by three fierce leaders. They are:

Kim Seunghyung aka the War God

Seunghyun is the fiercest warrior of the pack

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Seunghyun is the fiercest warrior of the pack. In charge of leading the pack against battles or during hunting. He is feared for his ruthlessness and savageness. Seunghyun is the acknowledged "true leader" of Bangtan. His strength is unparalleled.

Kim Jaejoong aka Cerebral Assassin

Unlike his older brother who uses brute force in battles, Jaejoong is incharge of making plans and strategies prior to battles

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Unlike his older brother who uses brute force in battles, Jaejoong is incharge of making plans and strategies prior to battles. He is ground commander and is respected among the pack. Like Seunghyun, Jaejoong's tactics and battle strategies are unparalleled.

Kim Taeyeon aka Nation's Leader

Unlike her brothers, Taeyeon has nothing remarkable at first sight

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Unlike her brothers, Taeyeon has nothing remarkable at first sight.
She however possesses a secret that her brothers vowed to protect til grave. Taeyeon is the link between the commoners to the brothers (coz they're intimidating af).

On one battle against humans, Taeyeon was (according to the pack's gossip mongers) abducted by humans and was raped. She returned to the pack after a few months unharmed but is pregnant with then, baby Kim Taehyung.

Thus the story of Stigmatized begin.


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