05; The Case Of The White, Saggy Arse

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**✿❀ ❀✿**

Fucking Christ. What a fucking shit show.

Another steaming pile of shit that seemed to always fall out of the sky and straight onto her head.

...but regardless of eyeballs and insanity and severed tongues...money.

Rae squeezed her eyes closed. Growling from the corner of her lip. The elaborately engraved gun lowering to her side. "What do yer want from me, you crazy motherfucker?"

Mustang man smiled like a thousand-watt bulb. Eyeing her tits as she leaned on her knees and blinking slowly. "I need a place to hide out until tomorra, some food...fuckin' Tylenol, a god damn shower and a warm bed."

The baker cocked a brow. Looking at him like he was a thick fuck. "You want a fuckin' motel?"

"Exactly!" He clicked his fingers. Hearing the question in her voice and slicking back his hair. Totally fixated on her as she came down from her adrenaline high. "A hideout if ya fancy callin' it that. My exceptionally handsome face will be all over that corrupt, Disney owned mainstream media...gonna need you to whisk me away. My man's too far away to be any help."

He slapped his knee. "I neeeeed you, princess! Don't it make yer all fuzzy inside."

Her cheeks were so gorgeously pink as she eyed him up. Her shirt was torn straight up her thigh and so bunched up it barely covered her jiggling ass. God that juicy round thing would look so good over his lap. Rippling it all it's meaty glory as they rutted like beasts.

Oh fuck. Not now. Get down!

He couldn't help it when his dick slowly began growing in his pants. Hot flushes of singing blood squashing it right against his zipper as it aimed right between her thighs like a canon.

Raegan shook herself like a dog. Picking a band off her wrist and tying her hair back in a huge, messy bun. "I can't believe I'm doin' this." She mumbled to herself. Wondering if this was some grotesque social experiment and the planet would laugh at her in a few hours.

She saw him dance in the corner of her eye as he flexed his biceps and pinched at the hair on his arms.

And her brow cocked. Practically flying up when she spotted his not so little problem.

"Old man, you're a cunt hair away from a bullet if yer don't get that shit down!" She waved the gun at him, clicking back the hammer as her shiny teeth snarled. Thrusting it like a jousting stick.

But the delicious look of pure, ridiculously sexy rage that she wore didn't help. Fuck, the girl had her little hands all over his thick steel barrel, what did she expect?! Furious women with big guns were such a turn on. After all, angry sex is the best sex. And her tits were slapping together as she danced on her feet.

He covered it with his palm. Crossing his legs like he needed a pee. A sudden sharp jolt of pain when he caught his balls making him shudder. "I can't help it, cupcake! Fuck don't shoot a man fer some accidental wood."

Rae hissed. Shaking her head and flashing him a vicious, disgusted look. "Shut up! Fuckin' pig."

His face flattened. His hand coming up to rest on his hip as he tapped his forehead. "Excuse me, you hypocritical fuck, but weren't you just fuckin' yerself in the bathroom with a dirty little vibratin' sex-toy? Innocent gals don't stuff 'emselves at work...and I heard the tap goin'!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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