Chapter 25

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The worst part about talking to yourself is that you tend to reveal things to yourself that you've been trying to ignore.

You see, Wade has never ever in his life fallen in love. He knows it's far too soon to call it that but what else who you call it if you can picture with someone together forever until the day you die? He can even picture a wedding and possibly a family.

That's what love is, right?

But at what cost?

His Peter is suffering because of him. Because he couldn't hold his feelings for him, for his savior. Peter changed Wade's life drastically and Wade will always admire him. But his Petey-pie is in pain and he can't ignore it any longer.

He remembers how Peter would go a little crazy. How he would not be himself time to time. Like a darkness is brewing inside of him. Wade knows what it's like to be crazy, and he's beginning to put the pieces together.

"I'm making him crazy."

There's no other explanation. Peter is feeding off of his crazy like a disease. Wade must be the reason for Peter's change in behavior.

"He's hurting and I've been acting like it's nothing," Wade scolded himself. "What kind of boyfriend am I?...I don't deserve him."

So Wade has decided.

It's what's best for Peter anyhow.

So what has Wade been doing to try and forget about Peter? Manslaughter and whores.

But you know what's sadder than that? Wade just couldn't do it. He couldn't be with anyone else other than Peter. Every time he tried to pick up a hot chick, he would turn her down before they could do anything. Because he's hopelessly in love with the man who change his life for the better.

A man who accepted and saved him.

No one else would ever do that for Wade.

And the manslaughter? He kills for money. But now whenever he gets a mission, he kills more than he should. Peter would be so disappointed in him if he found out he's killing to release his anger.

"I'm supposed to get rid of him," Wade yelled in the emptiness of his bedroom. "I can't be thinking about Peter anymore!"

"I'm surprised he agreed to be in a relationship with a weak fool just as yourself, Deadpool."

Wade quickly stood up to see a strange man in green and black in his room. Wade remembered his face, however. This was the man that tried to take over NY years back. But why the hell is he in his room? And how does he know Peter?

"Why are you in my home?"

Loki took it upon himself to sit on a chair with his leg crossed over the other, not at all threatened by Wade.

"Now I don't mean to be - how you say - a 'stalker' but Peter is someone that I care about."

"How do - "

"He's my nephew," Loki answered. "Not biologically, of course. But still family."

Wade almost laughed. "You mean Peter has this secret, evil uncle? Yeah, that sounds like Peter."

"And I know you intend to break his heart."

Wade glared, already know where this conversation is heading. And he doesn't want to hear it.

"Listen, this has nothing to do with you. And it's not like there's other Peters out there. He's not exactly a dime a dozen." Lies, all lies. Peter was one of a kind. "It's about time that we call it quits."

"Be very careful about what you say about him."

Wade felt intimidated. Something about his icy tone was lethal.

Loki continued, "Luckily for you I know you're lying. You two love each other, God knows how or why. And you're giving up because you're weak."

"I am not weak!" Wade yelled.

"Don't tell me you're actually scared of the Avengers?" Loki almost laughed.

"I'm not. And you're not his father so why play Cupid?"

Loki confessed, "When Peter's with you, he's happy. Happier than he's ever been. And he needs you now more than ever. And I'm certain the same goes for you."

Wade shook angrily, not knowing what to say.

Loki added, "You think he wants to act insane? He can't help it with that parasite inside of him."

Dead silence.

"What? What did you say?" Wade asked, scared out of his mind. "There's something inside of Peter making him go crazy?"

Loki exhaled slowly. He would have thought Peter would at least tell the man he's with that he's not well. Peter should have told him but oh well.

"He does this," Loki stated. "Lies. Not only to deny it, but to save those around him. He doesn't like pity nor worry."

"Y-you're lying. He's - "

"Sick, Deadpool. And there's no telling to what will happen if he keeps ignoring it."

Wade sank into his bed. His Peter has been lying to him this whole time. Why? Did he not trust Wade enough?

Loki continued, "You can't help him just yet. The Avengers have eyes in the sky. So what you could do right now is be strong for Peter and stop acting like a little bitch." Yeah, Peter taught him a few words.

Wade gasped. "That was very mean!"

Loki rolled his eyes.

"Also, if you break my nephew's heart...I will kill you."

"Impossible, nothing can - "

"Well I have a way."

" sit on the throne of lies."

"Would you like to find out?"

Wade gulped. Crap, maybe he's not bluffing.

"Okay...I'll be strong for Peter. Wait! Before you go, give me a minute!"

Wade quickly found a pen and paper and wrote in it as fast as he could. Once he was done, he handed it to Loki.

"You think you could give this to him?"

Loki smirked and left the apartment.

Now Wade no longer has doubts. He will never leave Peter.

He just hopes that Peter is fighting whatever is inside of him.

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