Coronation Week, Day 3

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Louis's bedroom was absolutely amazing. His blankets were thick, and filled with down, just as his pillows were. The blankets in my room were thin, and scratchy, and came to practically nothing on a cold night. His curtains were made of of heavy material that blocked the bright sun well. In my room, sun poured into the windows like rushing water in the mornings. I never slept so soundly as when I was in Louis's bed. Granted, I'd only slept there twice now, and the whole "being desperately in love" with the person beside me probably helped as well, but I was sure that his bed was the finest in the world.

"Louis," I mumbled when I felt the spot beside me, and my hands came up empty.

"I'm here, love," Louis said, and I opened my eyes slightly. Louis was getting dressed, and smiling gently at me.

"You look so peaceful when you sleep," He came over and kissed my forehead.

"Mmm," I sighed, pulling him down further by the lapels of his top. "Why don't you come back into bed?" I begged.

"I wish," He said and kissed me gently. "But I've got a lot to do today, I've got to help create a schedule for the events, make sure all the performers are prepped, and ready, and practice."

"Practice what?" I asked curiously. The third day in the Coronation Week was a day where people from all around came to show off their talents. Bards came and played their fine tuned instruments, Minstrels came and performed songs. Actors put on skits and plays. Circus troops put on wild performances with animals, acrobats, and other assortments of extravagant amusements. The whole day was dedicated to entertainment. At the end of the day, the future monarch was supposed to put on a performance themselves. Most chose to do something that involved weaponry, they used it as sort of a power move, to prove what they were capable of. Louis had not told me yet what he planned on doing.

"I'm going to sing," Louis said a bit sheepishly.

"Really?" I asked in shock, and I saw Louis wince.

"Do you think I shouldn't, I suppose there is still time to organize a sword fight," He sighed, fiddling with his cuffs. I got out of bed hurriedly, and grabbed Louis's dejected looking face.

"I think it is an absolutely wonderful idea Louis!" I said in excitement.

"Yeah?" He asked, a small smile gracing his lips.

"Definitely!" I said kissing him quickly. "I can't wait to see the looks on everyone's faces when they hear your voice. They're going to love it," I gushed.

"You flatter me too much," Louis said fondly, pulling me into his arms.

"I don't, I speak the truth," I said, laying my head on his chest. I realized then how improper I must appear. My hair was a sticky tangled mess from the events of last night. My makeup was smudged, and running down my face, a team effort by my own tears, and the hands of Briella. I was still in only my underdress, which was very sheer. I must look quite a sight, but Louis didn't seem to mind, or feel adverse to kissing me anyway.

"I have to go," He pouted.

"No," I said.

"Sorry love," and a big grin crossed his face. "I love calling you that, love," he sighed happily.

"I love it too," I beamed.

"Now," He said. "You can freshen up in my chambers if you wish, I don't think running through the castle in your undergarments is such a good idea, even as pleasing to the eye as it may be."

"Probably not," I chuckled.

"I asked Fizzy to bring a dress for you, and it's hanging up in the bathroom," He told me.

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