Coronation Week, Day 5 part 2

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I heard Louis's voice calling after me almost the moment I was out the door. I ran as quickly as I could down the halls. Why did I spend so much time running from the man I loved? Maybe we were never meant to be.

"Y/N," Louis's voice was loud and desperate. I heard scuffling. "Get the fuck off me!" I heard him say next.

"Louis Tomlinson I swear if you follow her I'll never forgive you," I heard Briella whine.

"Wonderful," Louis replied, and then I heard his feet on the stone floor. I had to move faster. If he caught me, if I saw his face, I'd break down. I wouldn't be able to speak for crying, and my heavy heart would drag me down even further than it already had. I had to get somewhere safe, away from Louis.

I took the steps two at a time, yet no matter how fast I ran, I always heard him just a hallway behind me. I'd hoped Briella would've ensured my head start, but Louis's legs were longer and quicker than mine. That's when I saw a particularly large window. I wasn't too high up, and right now, I didn't particularly care if I fell into a broken pile on the grass below.

I took my chances and leaped from the window's ledge. I landed on my feet. I didn't break anything, but the soles of my feet ached, and it felt like I'd rattled every bone in my body. As soon as I recovered from the shock of the jump, I was running again. I assumed that Louis hadn't seen me flinging myself from the window, since there was no shout from above.

I had no idea where I was going at all. It was still light out, obviously, so I could go to the edge of the grounds and hide in the trees, but what about when the sun went down. I couldn't very well skulk around the grounds at night. There were wild animals, and dangerous men, and all manner of ways to get hurt or sick. However, I also couldn't go to the servants quarters, Louis would check there in an instant. Nor could hide in the infirmary, Nora would give away my position immediately, since she didn't know the situation. That's it! Nora's hut, I could crash there till I thought Louis might give up.

I was dashing westward immediately. I hoped Louis didn't take a chance and glance out the window. The rain clouds had cleared away and it was sunny, he'd spot me running easily.

The wet grass whipped at my legs. My chest ached as I took deep breaths. The stitch in my side was growing with every second, but I could not stop. Instead of gently warming the land, the sun beat down oppressively. I wished Nora didn't live quite so far away from the castle.

"Nora!" I rapped hard on the wood door, so hard my knuckles began to bleed. I looked behind me, fearing Louis would show his face suddenly. I felt tears, and lack of airflow overcoming me. I felt like I might die if Nora didn't open the door.

"Nor," I only got out half the word, since I was now sobbing. "A, Nora" I finished my first word, and said her name again.

"Coming, goodness," I heard a grouchy voice say from inside. She must've been sleeping, the hut wasn't big enough for her to be somewhere she couldn't hear me.

Nora finally opened the door, and I dove in. Nora gave me a concerned look. My legs wobbled and finally gave out. I fell hard to the floor. My knees were sure to be black and blue tomorrow. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't speak. I was sobbing those ugly, air stealing sobs, that made you feel like you'd never breath the same again.

"Y/N," Nora said in surprise.

I couldn't respond. My voice wasn't working. My whole world felt as if it were crashing around me. My heart was beating so rapidly it felt like there was no space between one pulse and the next. My lungs wouldn't expand enough for me to get air to them.

"You're having a panic attack," Nora stately simply. I couldn't see her expression through my tears. I was shaking, vibrating uncontrollably. My head was a ball of pain, and I felt like I might be sick all over Nora's floor.

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