Chapter 1 // 1 Million Subscribers

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I was eating dinner with my mum, and my two younger twin siblings Kieran and Harriet, when my phone started ringing. I gave my mum a pleading look to which she responded 'quickly'. I scooted off my chair and walked into the kitchen, taking my phone out of my back pocket and answering it.

"Aria are you there?" It was Zoe. But for some reason the tone of her voice seemed a little more excited than it usually is.

"Yes I am, why are you so excited?!" I said, while hopping onto the work surface.

"Me?! You should be excited Aria I'm so happy for you!" She screamed down the telephone. 

"And tell me again why I should be so excited?" I was starting to feel a little confused but Zoe was already screaming down the phone again.

"You clearly haven't looked at your channel today, I suggest you go and check it and update your knowledge before other people begin throwing their congrationlations at you!" And with that, she disconnected.

I ran upstairs, missing every other step. As soon as I got into my bedroom I threw myself onto my bed and opened up my channel on my laptop. I was too scared to look at first but eventually my eyes scanned the subscriber count, and I completely lost it.

At first I was speechless but after letting the new information of 1 million subscribers sink into my system, I grabbed my phone and began dialling.


So yeah this is just an introduction to start off the story! I hope you guys like it so far :-)

- El x

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