Under The Rug

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It was a normal fall night in the Smith household. Only Robert Smith still lived in the old, rickety house on lonely Mulberry St. As Robert slowly dragged his feet across the floor and up the stairs ,taking in the scent of rain that had found its way into the house though a small cracked window that was now to old too close, to go to bed after a long day. He walked passed his study, his eyes surveying the hundreds of books lined neatly on the numerous shelves. He dropped his head back down quickly seeing an old rug, and continuing on. He quickly stopped and snapped his head back down at the rug. They was a little lump under the rug. Robert rubbed his eyes thinking he was seeing something. He opened his eyes and nothing was there. He shook it off and started to head back to his room. He fell into bed and was out.

The next morning after breakfast he went back up to his study deciding he was going to try and read. He walked in and again right in the middle of the carpet was a lump. He again rubbed his eyes, but this time it didn't go away when he looked back at it. He quickly grabbed a book off the nearest shelf and start to slam it down as the creature moved. Smack, smack, smack the book went as Robert kept slamming along. He finally lost sight of the creature after 20 minutes. Thinking he killed it or a least scared it off he opened the book and begin to read.

His life was normal and boring for the next two weeks until October 31st. That night he peeked into his study, like he has done every night since the incident, only to see that there in the middle of the rug was the lump again. It seemed to look bigger this time though.He grabbed a chair and started smashing around. He threw that aside with a thump, and picked up a lamp yanking the cord out of the wall in the process. He went at this for an hour or so until he stopped and looked around the room. It was trashed. It had looked like teenagers had had a party in the room and one had invited a tornado as their plus one. He sat his chair up and sat down to take a few deep breaths. He couldn't see the mysterious creature at the moment, but knew it was there under all the fragments of books, lamp, and other miscellaneous items that had gotten thrown into the mix. He then saw it. It run under the rug and then disappear out of the room, and Robert swear he heard a few low laughs as the door creaked open and shut as quickly as it had opened. He thought he was just hearing things until a few trick-or-treater screams found their way into the house scaring him out of his mind..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2018 ⏰

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