Chapter 46

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Zach's pov

I sat in the waiting room tears streaming down my face as I called the boys I went up to the front desk "Ella scherer?" I said "she's still in surgery" the woman at the counter said with an attitude I nodded and sat down again I saw Daniel run in and look around when he saw me he ran over and hugged me, I saw Jonah and then Corbyn run in. I looked at Corbyn with disgust "why are you here?" I asked "why wouldn't I be?" He asked "you made this happen!" I said "well if you weren't such a bitch  and ran away we wouldn't be here" he said I clenched my jaw "Well you shouldn't have kissed my girlfriend!" I yelled "She wanted it!" He yelled "stop fucking denying it! You cheated on her! You ruined your fucking relationship! You can't ruin ours now!" I yelled "And everytime she forgave you! You never apologized! Your a dick! I can't believe she would have gave you a second chance!" I yelled "SHE LOVES ME!" He yelled "No that's ended a long time ago Corbyn!" I yelled "Remember when our best friend died?" I said "she gave up on you then!" I yelled "remember when you were In a coma for a year? And how she waited for you! Then you go and just break it off like nothing ever fucking happened! That happened so many times! You broke her heart! It was never fixed until now! You can't just ruin this!You can't you can't!" I yelled tears running down my face "Well she said yes to me!" He yelled "I haven't proposed!" I yelled "BECAUSE YOUR A BITCH!" He yelled "JUST GET OUT!" I screamed with my voice cracking and me falling back into my chair and Jonah dragging him out and yelling at him as Daniel was rubbing my back.

  "Scherer" was called I ran up to them "is she ok?" I asked "she's doing ok for now, she's still asleep." He said I nodded "can I see her?" I asked "not until next week" he said I sighed and decided to leave with Daniel, we walked to the taxi and I cried against the window until we reached the hotel I walked to the bed and laid down and fell asleep

1 week later

I ran into the hospital gift shop and got some flowers I walked to her hospital room and knocked "come in" I heard I opened the door and walked in "listen baby I'm so sorry" she said "hey hey... I forgive you I'm not mad at you I'm mad st Corbyn" I said and kissed her she smiled as I set the flowers on the table "so do you know when you can go to the hotel?" I asked "Friday" she said I nodded "me and the boys have been thinking about taking a break from the tour for a month" I said "not because of me" she said "we all need it" I said she nodded I laid down with her and we fell asleep

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