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"What do you mean you have a lead?" "Yongdam's case. I have a lead on someone who might be connected to it." "Himchan... I know you want to find out who actually did it but-" Daehyun's sentence was cut off,"You don't care at all? You don't care that an innocent man was put in jail? Or that he was put on death row with no strong evidence that he's the killer? Or the fact the real murderer who killed over thirty, living, breathing human beings is still out there?" Daehyun couldn't answer. Silence was broken when he started to speak,"You know we'll be put on leave if we get caught, right?" Himchan scoffed,"I'd rather lose my job doing something that's right rather than keeping it while doing something wrong." "I'll help you then. Your lead, what is it?" "A woman that works at the plastic surgery center. I overheard her talking to a man on the phone." "What about it?" "She said the the man that the FBI came looking for his file." "Arrest her." "Now?" "Yes, she's a suspect for a murder case." Daehyun hung up. Himchan stepped out of the car, he walked back into the building. The woman's heart rate when up as she saw Himchan walk back in,"C.. Can I help you with something? Did you forget something?" Himchan stepped closer to the desk,"Miss, I need you to come with me." "Why?" "You're currently a suspect." The woman turned around quickly and ran out the back door. Himchan quickly followed through the narrow hallway. He reached the door following the woman outside. She continued to run, looking back to see how close Himchan was. As she ran she simultaneously pulled a trash can over, making it fall on the ground. Himchan slightly tripped but quickly regained his balance. The woman reached a dead end, she turned to see Himchan wasn't there yet. She looked around in the floor, eyeing a long broken glass shard. She picked up the shard and clutched it in her hand holding it close to her stomach. Himchan reached the dead end, seeing the woman standing there. He walked towards her, and grabbed her wrist. The woman turned Himchan's wrist downward, pulling him down. She then kneed him in the face, making his nose bleed. She tried to run the other way, Himchan then clutched her left shoulder to which she swung her arm back. Himchan quickly noticed she held something in her left hand. She ran towards him swinging the glass multiple times. Himchan was backed towards the wall. She swung the glass again, slightly cutting Himchan's cheek.
Himchan stepped to the left side, he grabbed her arm, with his other hand he clutched her shoulder, pinning her to the ground. He twisted her wrist making her drop the glass. He then grabbed his handcuffs, cuffing her wrists. Himchan pulled her body up,"Stand up." She got up, trying to push away from Himchan. Himchan strengthed his grip as he pulled her to his car. She sat in the back seat, looking at Himchan who was sitting in the front. The woman was cuffed to the seat, making her unable to attempt to escape or hurt Himchan. Himchan looked in the mirror of his car. He wiped the blood from his nose with his sleeve, as he didn't have any tissues.

Himchan pushed the woman into the interrogation room. "Sit." The woman sat down on the chair opposite from where Himchan now sat. "This is your phone, correct?" "How did you-" "I pulled it out from your pocket when I pinned you." Himchan opened the phone, going to her call logs. He tapped on her most recent one,"Who is this? I overheard you talking to him.""Why were you listening to me on the phone you pervert-" "Just answer the question," Himchan leaned forward,"It'll be a lot easier for both of us if you cooperate." The woman glared at Himchan, "That's just my boyfriend." Himchan crossed his arms,"It's just your boyfriend?" "Yes." "He's not the same person in the file I took?" "No." "So even though, I clearly heard you say to him 'A FBI agent came in and asked you for your file', he not the same person?" "No." "That's great." "You are aware of the fact that he's a suspect of serial murder, right?" Himchan glared at the woman. "I-I am aware. I know he didn't do it though." "Are you also aware of the fact that you're a bad liar?" She didn't answer. "Not answering, huh?" Himchan slowly lost his patience,"Just answer this for me. Why did you run?" The woman slightly looked at Himchan. His eyes looked cold. "Because I got scared. When you stepped close to me I thought you might try to rape me or something else." "Even after you knew I was an FBI agent and said you were a suspect, you thought I'd try to rape you?" "Yeah." "You didn't seem scared the first time I walked in. Only after that phone call, you started getting shaky." "When you came back in, I thought you would." "Fine, that semi-believable." Himchan folded his hands on the table. "Where is he?" "What do you mean?" "Where is your boyfriend- Yongnam at?" "Why do you need to see him?" "Did I not make it clear that he's a suspect for serial murder? If he is innocent, you should have no trouble giving me his location." "And if I don't?" "I won't stop searching for him until I find him, and you'll be arrested for being an accomplice in serial murder." The woman furrowed her eyebrows,"I don't know where he lives. I've never been there. There, I told you. Now uncuff me." "Didn't I already tell you you're bad at lying? If you don't want to tell me that's fine. You'll just have to stay in a cell for now." Himchan stood up. He pulled to woman up, making her stand up. He pushed her down with him to the cell room. He unlocked an empty cell towards the end of the hall, making sure no one would figure out he'd put her there. "Tell me where he is and you could leave." Himchan walked away. "Fucking bastard, you put me in here. I'm like a dog to you, aren't I? You use me for your own good then get rid of me." Himchan stopped by Yongguk's cell. Yongguk sat near the corner of the cell. "Yongguk." Yongguk turned to see him. He moved towards the bars. Yongguk looked at Himchan's face to see the cut and now dried blood from the glass,"What happened to you?" "I just got hurt looking for a suspect." Himchan crouched to the floor, making himself head level with Yongguk. Yongguk held his hand out, placing it on Himchan's cheek. He ran his thumb over the cut,"Does it hurt?" "Not anymore." Yongguk moved his face closer to the bars. "I want to kiss him." Himchan who was already close to the bars didn't move further away. Himchan turned his head as he heard footsteps coming down the hall. He moved away from the cell,"I have to go now, okay?" Yongguk nodded and looked down, not watching Himchan walking away. Yongguk put his hand over his heart,"It's beating so rapidly." Yongguk smiled to himself.


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