Chapter 1

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16 years later (when you were found you weren't even a year old yet, like, four(4) months old)

(j/t)= jacket type
(h/c)= hair color
(e/c)= eye color

"but mom!!", "No 'buts' little missy, we're moving to Jasper and that's final." I looked at my father in hopes that he'll help me but he just shook his head, "we gotta go, (y/n), I got hired into an auto shop that'll pay me more than being an office worker." my father stated calmly while my mother fumed on the couch.
My parents, well, adoptive parents, are moving to Jasper Nevada and dragging me along.
I gave out a small huff and walked to my room, a trail of frost appearing after my steps, I don't know why it happens and neither does my parents, they just found me on their front porch.
I opened my door then made my way to my window, opening it up and climbing onto the roof, I walked around to the back of the house and jumped to a nearby tree, sliding down to its trunk I landed on the forest floor with a soft thump.
I sighed and walked towards the cliff that is near my soon-to-be-former house, when I got there the view was breathtaking as usual, sad how I won't be able to see it anymore in a few days, I pulled off my (j/t) jacket and felt the whoosh of air as my (w/c) metal wings appeared from the tattoo version of my wings on my back, I stretched them and flapped them for a moment getting a feel for them again, I was happy that I could use them out here and not get caught by scientists or anything/anyone who would want to hurt me.
I looked towards the horizon and started to jog that turned into a run then that turned into a full-out sprint, normal people would flip at jumping off of a cliff without water at the bottom but I loved it; the wind in my hair, the air rushing past my ears making a whistling sound, and the way it felt to fly, It felt so, so, so much like I was home.
I flew over a beautiful forest, my wings giving powerful thrusts for me to stay aloft, something flashed at the edge of my vision, I looked over to where the light had originated from, quickly spotting movement I veered left and pulled in my wings a little bit to gain speed.
I landed a few yards away behind some bushes, I flicked up the wings on my medallion and a thin layer of ice covered my body, missing my eyes and wings, the ice hardened and turned into metal, my armor soon formed.
I stalked closer with my (m/w) (melee weapon) in hand, I saw what looked like an excavation sight, "why would there be an excavation sight, there's no resources here?" I quietly questioned to myself, I was answered by a giant robot-thing walking out of the cave holding a crate of some blue stuff, "oh, that's why." I replied to myself, rolling my eyes.
After watching this one dude carry out crate o'blue for half an hour I saw a flash of green from the other side of the field, I bit my lip in anticipation, my sensitive ears picking up large footsteps that sounded like the person or thing was trying to be quiet, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I pull it out and it's a text from dad saying: 'are you ok?' I responded with: 'yeah, just walking around the forest.', 'ok, well be careful.', 'I will.'
I put my phone away and looked up at the other side of the field and spot a shadow of something, the robot carrying the crate o'blue was shot by some kind of blue Star Wars laser thing, then whatever was in the shadows appeared and ran at the cave, scouting ahead, it was yellow and black, and had three fingers on each hand, well I think so, its left hand was a blaster of some sort, it made the move forward motion to the treeline that it appeared from, then four(4) more robots appeared from the trees, each holding a blaster of their own, I also noticed that they varied greatly in height and color.
More of the robots that looked like crate o'blue robot appeared out of the cave and the Two different groups started fighting, I watched them for a moment when one of the, I think, good guys started getting overwhelmed by crate o'blue robots, at least I think it's good, colorful means good.... Right?
I stiffened and poised to attack, when the goodbot was on the ground I booked it out of my hiding place and slashed the backs of the badbots knees, they looked at me with confusion, I slammed my hand on the ground and ice spikes erupted from the ground impaling the remaining badbots.
I stood there panting from excess use of my powers, one of the badbots charged me and I threw my (m/w) at their face, hitting them dead on on the face, "anyone else want a peace." I growled and the remaining badbots transformed into jets and flew away, I walked over to the bot with my (m/w) in their face and pulled it out storing it on my back, "thank you, for protecting Bee." I heard a voice say, I turned and saw all the goodbots looking at me, I nodded, "you're welcome." I started walking back the way I came, "wait, you can't leave." I ignored it and continued walking before a large hand blocked my path, I followed the arm to its owner and what I saw was a handsome robot, blue helmet and legs with red shoulders and abdomen

" I ignored it and continued walking before a large hand blocked my path, I followed the arm to its owner and what I saw was a handsome robot, blue helmet and legs with red shoulders and abdomen

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"why not?" I asked with my voice hidden by a voice modifier, "you have found us, and that makes you endangered, you have to come with us for your safety." he answered, I bit my lip, 'damn, that voice' I thought, I shook my head, "sorry, can't go, my parents will get worried if I stay out too long." after that I quickly open my wings and hit the skies, I looked down to see them looking at my disappearing form, I laughed at the thought of them being shocked, "well, home here I come."

Word Count with out authors note:1088
With authors note: 1099

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