votes are over

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Ok so...I'm gonna give you some names to choose from and the readers can vote on it!!! Yay!!! Ok so here we go!
N/n means nick name

1.Miyuki N/n yuki

2.Kimiko-N/n kimi

3.Kazumi- meaning harmonious beauty N/n- sumi

4.Maiuta or Maiutasume- ok this ones sweet because Ai can mean love and Uta means song. Love Song How freaking adorable is that!.pronounced
My Uta Su May N/n-Mai

5.Kaiutasumi- another one with the Ai and Uta for love song. N/n-Sumi

6.Yumiuta- yumi means beautiful song. N/n-yumi
7.Utayumi- song of beauty

8.Yunaai- gentle love

9.D/n- you decide stand for Daughters name in the story.

So I really want the babys name to have something to do with music..which I'm sure you see lol

please let me know! Comment what you want! Please and thank you!
And please dont bash me...I was just mix matching different meanings I got off the internet lol

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