That Moment!

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I put my bags on the floor at the end of the bed and started getting ready for my big day. I don't get to meet who I'm going to marry till the wedding. Then I remembered I forgot to pick up my dress and stuff I needed for the wedding how else was I suppose to get ready. I grabbed my purse a started out the door down to the lobby. As I was walking down the stairs to the lobby I spotted my family and friends that had came along for the wedding so I walked over to them. "Hello everyone" I say starting to hug everyone. "Hello" everyone chatters back off note.

Then my two closest friends Mathew Espinosa and Riley Gortez walked up to me. Just to tell you this wasn't like any other wedding there won't be brides maids and grooms and the flower girl and shit like that it's just a introduce and get married kinda thing. "Oh my gawd MATT!" I say as I hug him tightly not letting go. Matt and I are really close like he is like a brother to me and I had a crush on him in 3rd grade and I kinda do now but I missed him so much. "Hey baby girl" he says hugging me back. He always calls me that I don't know why but I kinda like it. "Good to see you too Nicole." Riley says with a smirk on her face as she clears her throat. I walk over to Riley and hug her just as tight. She hugs back and pats my back. "It's very good to see you again I've missed you so much." she says. "I've missed you too." I say as I pull away. "So where you headed?" Matt asks. "Oh I have to go do a couple things for the wedding, you guys wanna tag along." I ask. "I'm down for it." Riley answers. "Count me in." Matt agrees. "Okay we'll let me say hello to the rest of my family and we will get going." I say. "Okay!" they both say as we all say hello to the family and hug the family and everything. "HEY NICOLE!" I hear a familiar voice call. I turn around to find my brother Nash running towards me. He hugs me tightly. "Mind if I tag along?" he asks. "no not at all but, if I may ask who told you I was going anywhere?" I ask. "Oh I overheard Riley and Matt talking about it." he answers. "No I don't mind but please no making out in the back of my car with Riley." I say. "I won't it will be hard but I won't, just think sooner or lat it will be you and your husband making out in the backseat of MY car." he says with a smirk. "Yeah yeah, just go tell Riley and Matt I'm ready." I demand. "Okay." he says as he goes to find Riley and Matt. after Nash finds Matt and Riley we all walk to my car. "I call shotgun!" Matt says as he gets to the car door. We all get in the car and I drive to 'David's Bridal'. Once we get there Riley and I get out of the car as the boys stay in while we shop. We walk in and see this beautiful store full of beautiful dresses. Then I spot this one dress it was amazing, it had rhinestones and it was amazing I mean beautiful. I had to get it. "Do you think this one looks good?" I ask Riley. she looks away from the dresses she was looking at "That is perfect I love it." she says. "Great I'll go try it on." I say as I walk to the dressing room. As I'm trying on the dress I ask Riley while she is sitting outside the door. "Riley? do you think this is a good idea?" "I mean if the producers know what they r doing and give you a guy that has stuff in common with you then yes I do." she answers. "Okay but that's the thing I have to stay with this person for the rest of the season then if I don't like him then I can get a divorce." I say back. "well let's just see how it goes okay, now come out here and show me what you look like in that dress." she demands. I walkout and do a twirl. "what do you think?" I ask. "I love it you look stunning darling." she tells me. I go back in the room and change back and go buy the dress. After I buy the dress Riley and I head back to the car to find the boys talking. We get in the car and they are still talking. "I mean I love her like a sister but I wouldn't do that to you bro." Matt says. "Okay Okay." Nash says as I start driving back to the hotel. When we got back to the hotel I had three hours to get ready. "Hey Riley can you come to my room and help me get ready and do my hair and makeup, it'll be like old times?" I ask excitedly. "Most defiantly." she says as we both run up the stairs to the elevator. when we got in the elevator there was a couple in there making out then a poor guy about my age in the middle of it. "Oh get a room you two." I say as the girl gives me a disgusting look and they leave the elevator. "You okay?" I ask the guy that was just standing there in the middle of it. "Yeah I'm fine thanks." he says. "No problem what's your name?" I ask. "Cameron, Cameron Dallas." he says as he shakes my hand. "And you are?" "I'm Nicole and this is my brothers girlfriend and one of my best friends Riley." I says as Riley waves at him. "Well this is my stop, I'll see you around?" he ask me. "yeah sure bye." I say a I wave. "Bye." he says as he leaves the elevator. "What was that?" Riley asks. "What do you mean?" I ask back. "I seen how long you held his hand and you were blushing, you like him don't you?" she asks. "No I just met the guy." then it hit me, what if he was the one I was suppose to marry. Nah that's impossible he looks to young. But what if he's not to young. Then we got to the room. That thought raced through my mind the whole time I was getting ready for the wedding. Then we finished. It was time, time to meet the man that was going to take my hand in marriage. I was nervous, but anxious to meet him I kinda couldn't wait.

To be continued sorry guys I hate to be continued to but I had too. 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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