One Checked Out

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Me: Hello everyone, Senpai Sprinkles here! Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while, I've been busy doing important stuff.

Neptune: Like what exactly?

Me: wellllllll... I got a new job, I fractured my wrist, the weather sucks, and most importantly... I got in a carwreck, but enough about my issues! Let us begin the story~ And as always-

Neo (Sign): The creator of this story does not own the characters or the weapons used in this story. Also, words enclosed in bold parentheses ( ), are author's notes. And some ideas for this belong to the creator himself.

Me: Thank you Neo, you get ice cream for that, and I am not mocking any religions or suggesting them, you have a right to believe things on your own. But anyways, the characters in RWBY belong to Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum (May he rest in peace) and let's start the story!

The camera pans in on a blue guy and a yellow guy as they wait outside of the ladies' room.

Blue guy: Hey,

Yellow guy: Yeah?

Blue guy: Do you ever wonder why we're here?

Yellow guy: Probably because of some powerful being that put us here that made us out of dust and organs.

Blue guy: I meant why we're trapped... in a school for hunting... with a killer on the loose... who is probably going to kill us all...

Yellow guy: Oh... Father Fate maybe? (Like Mother Time, Lady Luck, etc.)

Black haired girl walks out of the ladies' room at this moment, having heard the whole conversation.

Blake: Why did I get paired with you two?

Sun: Because we're strong and good looking and could protect you if need be?

Neptune then facepalms as Blake slaps Sun in the back of the head.

Sun: Hey! Watch it! You could be the killer for all we know!

Neptune & Blake: Really Sun?

Sun: Hey! I'm just saying!

The camera pans out as it goes to another section, to zoom in on Ren and Nora as they help Ruby grab everyone's weapons. The camera zooms in to Ruby as she mourns the death of her sister while holding Ember Celica in her hands.

Ruby: She was so younggggg...

Ren: She would want you to move on...

Ruby: So innocenttttt...

Nora: Actually she kinda wasn't...

Ruby: Stop ruining my mourning! I need time to mourn...

Ren: You're not exactly the mourning type, also, are you modifying her weapons?

Ruby: She would want them to be passed on to me!

Nora: Modifying them isn't exactly the same thing as-

Ruby: I don't care... it could help more IF it was modified! Besides, if your weapon was in here, wouldn't you want it personalized to your liking

Nora: Yes, but still likeeee?

Ruby: Like if we got stuck in a dark room!

Nora: And it would helppppp how?

Ruby: It would be able to have flashlights inside, you don't know!

Nora: You're impossible...

Ruby: You're one to talk Ms. Break Legs!

Nora: Why I oughta-

Ren: Stop it both of you, we need to move on!

The camera then pans onto Team C as they try many things to get out of the main doors but they could not reach Ozpin's office. (But it was no use!)

Cardin: It's no use! (That's what I said!) What do we do now?

Ozpin: I... have no idea

Velvet and Cardin: WHAT?!

Cardin: But you're Ozpin! You're supposed to be the old wizard guy who has all the answers!

Ozpin: I am not old! Well... relatively speaking...

Cardin: And why are you so cryptic? Are you hiding something? Something about yourself, perhaps? Hmmm? HMMM??

Velvet: Cardin calm down...

Cardin: Enough of this crap... I'm not going to trust someone who won't even tell the truth...

Cardin walks off in a huff as Velvet looks back at Ozpin with a worried look on her face.

Velvet: He's right, isn't he? Are you really hiding something?

Ozpin: *sigh* I was afraid it would come to this... I'll tell you as soon as everyone meets up, now we better go get Cardin then meet with everyone else.

Velvet: Alright... if you're sure...

Velvet then trots off after Cardin as Ozpin looks out one of the windows at the broken Moon.

Ozpin: What are you planning?

Ozpin then walks off as the Moon fades away, and we get back to Team A walking to the designated rally point.

Neptune: So we're heading off to a rally point agreed to by the group and we don't know if anyone else besides Yang has died yet.

Sun: Correctamundo

Neptune: Hmmm... what do you think the others are doing at this point?

Blake: Ruby is probably modifying her sister's weapon while mourning her sister. Team C is probably trying to break out of the school and failing and Ren is probably keeping Nora in check.

Sun: You know a lot about your classmates, right?

Blake: Yes, what's your point? *narrows eyes at him*

Sun: Were any of them acting suspicious? Us junior detectives should be notified if they are...

Blake: Just Ren, Ozpin, and-

Blake was suddenly yanked back by Neptune as she had almost walked into a tripwire.

Neptune: You should be more careful, you could've died!

Neptune then steps over the wire carefully, only to step on a pressure plate.

Neptune: What?

Neptune is held in place by the previously avoided tripwire and then Nora's hammer comes out of nowhere attached to a metal arm as it hits him into a grandfather clock standing nearby which falls on top of him, killing him.

Blake: I... I...

Blake then takes one look at Neptune then runs off in a direction away from Neptune's corpse.

Sun: Hey wait up!

Sun then chases after Blake, trying to catch up.

Sun: We're supposed to stay togeth-

Sun then falls into a claw trap which holds him captive.

Sun: Huh? What is this? Blake! Are you still there?

The camera then fades out as Sun is stuck in a claw trap and Blake is who knows where. And then a painting fades in of Neptune as the description reads out
"Nine little hunters, some slept too late,
One checked out, and then there were eight,"

Me: Hey guys, whoo... this was certainly a doozie, is anyone in this school safe? Also, Sun is not dead, he's just trapped, whether or not he remains that way for long, we'll see.

Neo (Sign): As always, favorite, vote, and comment to tell him what you think, all criticism is welcome (unless you're a hater).

Me: Yes, it would be much appreciated, I may also be considering making another RWBY story, but it depends on how well this one works.

Neptune: So tell all of your friends about it, and please enjoy the rest of your week.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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