Ink x Suicidal reader

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(WOOOO this is gonna be hard af also trigger warning and remember if you ever are struggling with this please please come to me or someone you trust to talk to. SO SO Sorry that this is short i'm trying to get through some requests before school starts since I have my other book the pj x reader x fresh and a new book I wanna start.)

I Stood on the chair as I tied the rope to the sturdy wooden railing. I wouldn't dare risk this falling. I stood there on the chair the noose in front of me as I took a deep breathe. I had been planning this for weeks now. I had been depressed for about a year, ever since my adopted sister and best friend Marsh died I couldn't take it. She was so young and had been missing assumed dead for about 16 months now. For the first 4 months I had been hopeful and willing to dedicate all of my time to finding her. After she was declared dead I couldn't do it anymore so I decided to end it.

I used to be the most optimistic person my soul full of HOPE and DETERMINATION. After this though I just felt a strong sense of self hatred. If only I had been there, if I had decided to stay home instead of go to that stupid party I could have saved her. I felt the burning wet tears stream down my face as I pulled the noose around my neck. I deserved this after all I was the reason she was gone. I deserved to be burning in hell for what had happened to her. I heard the voices whisper in my head more awful things about how I should have saved my INNOCENT and MERCIFUL sister from her dreadful fate. I looked behind me seeing the familiar black shape of my depression. It had been their like a parasite growing every day.

That had been my supposed gift I could see the physical manifestation of people's hope or their depression. I had always had a stunning white and gold patterned (fav animal). Once this depression started the poor thing seemed to get sick as it's gold patterns were soon replaced by midnight blue and its once stunning white complexion became black as night. The animal then seemed to go through a painful transformation as it twisted and writhed growing into another shape. Since then it had never been the same the only time I saw a semblance of its once gentle and kind self was when I was around my crush and Best friend Ink.

I finished with the letter explaining what I was about to do and why I was doing it. I then wrapped the noose around my neck and kicked the chair out from under me. It was painful at first, a fiery burn as my lungs struggled for air. I heard the creature cackling from the corner then I heard the door slam open and some jumbled words before I passed out.
"No no no no no please no stay with me please." I heard a voice say as I felt something warm falling on my shirt. "Your not aloud to leave me behind Y/n!"
the voice cried as I felt something smooth touch my lips before air was brought into my lungs. I shot up as the world slowly came into light. My head fuzzy as I looked beside me to see a sobbing Ink the rope having been cut.
"What happened?" I said my mind in a daze until Ink hugged me burrying his face into my chest. "You you almost oh my Y/n. Why why did you." He sobbed out as he hugged me tight setting me on his lap. It then rushed back to me as I felt read begin to stream down my face once again. "Ink I'm so so sorry." I felt my soul clench at his terrified sobs.

"I'm here Inky I'm here it's all going to be ok." I said hugging him closely. "Don't you dare do that again. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I lost the one I loved more than anything." He said as I gasped pulling up his skull looking him directly in his eye sockets. "You you love me?!" I said happines lacing my voice for the first time in months as a slight spark of joy ignited in my eyes. "How could I not you are perfect. Your funny, kind, loving, everything I could have ever wanted. Not to mention you are absolutely stunning!" He said blushing a bright rainbow. "I-i lo-love you to-o" I stammered out as I felt my face become a strawberry. He looked up happily before kissing me passionately. I couldn't believe it the only person I had ever loved was kissing me. I kissed back instantly, then I felt his tongue on my lips asking for entrance. I denied jokingly before I felt Ink flip me onto my back pinning me to the ground. I gasped as Ink took the opportunity to deepen the kiss. We kissed like that for a few more moments before having to stop so that I could breathe. "Damn Y/n did I ever tell you how sexy you are." Ink said as I blushed and wrapped my arms around me attempting to hide my body. "Oh come on you don't have to be shy you are gorgeous just the way you are." He said before sitting us up again and wrapping his arms around me "I mean it everything about you is wonderful, and I know that the scars from her being gone will probably never fade but I plan to help you get through this pain as much as I can." He said sweetly before lightly kissing my forehead. "I've got an idea how about you and I go and get some ice cream ok? And then after that we can binge eat some pizza and watch some comedies." Ink said chuckling as he saw me nodding my head happily and excitedly. "Sounds wonderful!" I said as Ink got up before helping me up. We then walked out of the house hand in hand. We had a wonderful night and from then on a wonderful life, we even ended up finding my sister and though some parts of her were changed we helped her and things went in a happy direction for me and my love.
(Look I am just gonna day this now. Someone loving you romantically or in a friendly or familial way is not gonna get rid of your depression. But if you go them you can try to work past it and get better even if it takes a long time. And if you don't have anyone else to go to just know that I am here and I will listen and try and help you.)

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