Bosque De Menta

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"Mint...Wake up..."

Mint blinked. "W-what?" His voice cracked, a product of not talking to any other sentient beings for months.  Mint opened his eyes. 

Black. Mint forced his eyes wider. Still black. Had he gone blind? No. There was the cloud. It floated not too far way from where he stood. Or sat. Mint wasn't sure what was happening. And he was going to get some answers. 

"Hello? Who's there?"

"You have been chosen to make a new species," An ominous voice boomed,

"What? Who are you? And h-"

A cauldron appeared at Mint's feet. Mint stepped back. 

"Place a hair in the cauldron."


Silence. Pressured, Mint plucked out a hair from his head and dropped it in the cauldron. Wisps of steam coiled over the edge. 

"Now, choose your favorite food."

Mint giggled. "What? How does that help with making a new animal? That's silly! But...I guess I really miss eating soup. The noodles are my favorite part." 

Sparks flew from the cauldron. Mint leapt back. His ears pressed to his skull. 

"How do you feel about the four seasons?"

"They're...they're great. I think it's amazing how nature changes." Mint eyed the cauldron. Nothing interesting happened, but a bit more steam covered the edges. 

"Do you like your mane? Does it bother you?"

"I like it. It doesn't really bother me." Mint pawed at the back of his neck. "I'm a bit sad that it got so dirty though." 

More silence. Finally, the voice spoke, "We're done here."

Mint felt a tugging. The tugging grew stronger. With a scraping-ripping sound, Mint was yanked away from the dark.

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