Miraculous Tri- Chapter 5

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    "Hey, Hawkmoth. I have an idea for Wednesday's episode. We could have the Ladybugs make an entree and a cake! I can even ask my Uncle Cheng to host the show that night!" Marinette said cheerfully on her balcony, having just gotten home from her date with Adrien. Adrien was unpacking in his room, so she was safe.

"That's brilliant, Chat! Give me his number and I'll explain it to him. Don't say a thing. You'd be at risk of revealing yourself if you do." He said over the phone. "I'll get kitchens on set and ready."

"Great! See you on Wednesday!" She said hanging up then texting her uncle's number to him.

Hawkmoth smiled and called the number, thinking of a host name for him. "Hello, is this Master Cheng Sifu?"

"Yes, what do you want?"

"How would you like to be a host for Miraculous Tri on Wednesday? I hear you'll be in Paris on Monday and that you have a competition Thursday. I know there isn't much time, but we can whip up a costume by Wednesday if you're willing to come in Tuesday?"

"Marinette loves that show. I'll do it! What time do I need to be at studio?"

"Hm...Does noon work for you?"

"It is perfect. Thank you Mr. Hawkmoth."

Hawkmoth chuckled and hung up before calling all the stage hands on set. "Alright everyone! Our very Chat Noir came up with the next episode! We need ovens, stoves, fridges, and counters. Let's turn this set into a kitchen! Get a large timer! Let's go, folks! We've got three days to make all this happen!" He said, setting everyone to work as the designers brainstorming for the host's costume and name."

~Time Skip~

"Greetings, Paris! I am Kung Food here with Chat Noir. Tonight is all about food! How do you think tonight will go,Chat?" Cheng Sifu asked with a grin. The set was very different. Instead of the rising seats, they had two chairs and a set dining table minus the plates. Next to the pink seat, which was Chat's, was her usual button, and the host's red seat.

"I think tonight will be very interesting, Kung Food. I find it highly attractive if a guy wants to learn how to cook. Even more so if he already knows how." She smiled. "However, I don't know which bug will win tonight. We'll have to wait and see." She said, walking to her seat and Kung Food goes to his.

"Bring out Bugaboo and Baddie, please." She smiled, hitting the button. The kitchen stations, fridges, and pantries came up as the boys walked on stage, giving their usual greetings to her, Baddie's blown kiss and Blondie's bow.

"Bugaboo? When did that happen?" Baddie asked, both disgusted and jealous.

"Last night." Adrien shrugged, not minding it one bit. When he saw the stage, he broke into a grin. "A kitchen?! Oh thank heaven!"

"You seem happy about today's challenge, Bugaboo. I wonder why?" Chat asked with a smirk, her chin rest on the back of her hand.

"I learned a few amazing recipes since last episode. I'm glad I get to share them with you." He smiled at her.

"You learned how to cook?" Baddie asked, raising a brow.

"Just one recipe. I mainly learned baking. How about you? Can you cook or bake?" Adrien asked with a smirk, making Baddie's expression change to anger, the jealousy lingering in his eyes.

"You're getting on my nerves. What's our challenge, kitten?" He asked without looking at her.

"You must bake a cake and make an entree. Then Kung Food and I will judge them on presentation, creativity, and taste. And then of course the character point." Chat explained with a smile. "You have an hour and a half to finish and plate. Good luck." She said, about to hit the button before Adrien stopped her.

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