FOUR - Truth

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"We're all like that," Minho explained, "This house... we're all supposed to be safe here, but then Chan..."
Tears threatened to spill from Minho's eyes at the thought of his missing boyfriend.
"What you saw was real," He continued, "There's no one on earth faster than Jisung, and Changbin is a shapeshifter, capable of becoming anything he wants to be. Literally."
"And you?" Felix asked.
Minho leaned in very close, his face just inches from Felix's, in a friendly, yet almost threatening manner.
"I know what you're thinking," He growled.
"So what am I thinking?"
Minho moved away from Felix, back to his original position.
"You're wondering what the hell this has to do with Chan," He answered, to which Felix nodded, "He's one of us too. He can move things with his mind. Telekinesis, they call it. I know he's alive, because I can feel him thinking. That's why I don't believe he's dead."
"Because you know he's not."
"Anyway," Minho said, "Since you know about us, you should meet the others. The rest of the stray kids."
"Stray kids?"
"Chan gave us that name. It's fitting, don't you think? I mean, we have nowhere else to go."

Minho started walking back down the stairs, Felix following not far behind. When they reached the living room, the boys fell silent, looking over at the two.
"Don't worry," Minho said calmly, "I told him."
"He knows?!" Woojin exclaimed, "You can't just go around telling people everything! Have you forgotten what has happened to your own fucking boyfriend?!"
Minho sighed, "He knew anyway. He saw Changbin and Jisung. I just confirmed everything."
"Blaming it on other people's carelessness? You should know better."
"Listen to me!" Minho shouted, "It was weeks ago. He hasn't told anyone but me since. We can trust him."
Woojin stayed silent, gaze flickering between Minho and Felix in thought, before sighing in defeat, "Fine," He said, before storming past Minho and towards the kitchen, seemingly disappearing in the process. Felix stared in shock, surprised that what Woojin did was even possible.
"You good, kid?"
Felix snapped out of his trance, turning back around to see Changbin.
"That's his thing," The shapeshifter said, "Invisibility, I guess you could say. He normally doesn't use it, but he loses control when he's annoyed."
Felix smiled weakly at him, turning to Minho, "Am I really that much of an issue?" He asked, "I mean, you didn't have to tell me-"
"No," Minho cut him off, "You needed to know. If we ever find Chan... you'll need an explanation of why he went missing in the first place. Woojin just doesn't realise that. You'll need to know everything."
He took a deep breath, regaining his composure and turning to face Felix with a smile.
"Let's introduce you to the rest of us."

Felix introduced himself to the other boys, and they did the same, one by one, demonstrating each of their powers. Seungmin set a small candle that was on the coffee table alight, Hyunjin didn't do much other than hover in mid air for a few seconds, and Jisung ran to the kitchen and back with a wide grin on his face, bringing back a teaspoon just to prove Felix's mind wasn't playing tricks on him. Typical Jisung. Jeongin attempted to fill a cup on the coffee table with water, smiling proudly to himself when he managed to do so, the others stopping him before he made too much of a mess. Changbin, however, paused to look directly at Felix before doing anything.
"What's your favourite animal, pretty boy?"
Felix's eyes widened at the nickname, but he reminded himself that he'd only just met Changbin, so to not think anything of it.
"Doves," Felix mumbled, almost ashamed of it, "I like doves."
"Never tried that one before," Changbin replied, "I don't usually do birds, but... for you."
He smiled at Felix, before his features started to change, and before long, the dark haired boy in front of him was gone, and in his place was a small bird, covered with white feathers. A dove. The bird, Changbin, flew up- a little shakily, as if he wasn't used to flying- and perched on Felix's shoulder.
"That's... beautiful," Felix breathed, in awe of the beauty of the dove.
Changbin glided back down to the floor, appearance shifting back into the ebony haired boy he was before as he did so.
"I heard that," He said, smirking, "I am still sentient as an animal, you know."
Felix felt his cheeks heating up.
"But thanks, I know I'm beautiful."

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