ELEVEN - In Action

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It was time to out the plan in action. The area they'd chosen to park the car was a good five minutes walk away from where Chan was being held captive- a long enough distance that they wouldn't be seen, and a short enough distance to be able to get Chan away quickly. Perfect.

"Woojin?" Jisung said.
The oldest nodded, seemingly blending in with the area around him.
"You better fucking follow me," Seungmin warned, running off in the direction of the prison, with Woojin- hopefully- following behind.
Changbin took a large bottle full of water out the back of the car, before tossing it to Jeongin. The youngest juggled the object a little before he finally managed to catch it in his hands, smiling proudly to himself as he did so.
"You're using that on the fire and nothing else, you hear me?"
Jeongin nodded.
"Guys," Jisung called, "We've got to go now."
He pointed to the prison, obscured by trees, where the boys could see smoke rising. Changbin quickly changed, his features shifting into that of another man, much taller and more broad than himself, running off with Jisung towards the prison. Before Jeongin and Hyunjin followed, Jeongin picked up a very small bottle of water, putting it in the pocket of his coat. He turned to Minho and Felix and put a finger to his lips, as if to say "don't tell Hyunjin." Smiling mischievously to himself, he followed Hyunjin, running in the same direction as the others went before.
"I hope they'll be okay..." Felix muttered.
"Me too," Minho agreed, "Especially Jeongin. He's too young for this."

Speaking of Jeongin, at that moment, the youngest of the boys was working to put out the fire Seungmin had started on the row of trees either side of the gates. Jeongin supposed they had been put there to make the place look a little less menacing, although, there's not an awful lot one can do to make such a large, looming concrete building look any less terrifying. The youngest had opened the large bottle of water Changbin had given him, using all of the water to put out the fire on the trees. Just as he finally managed that, however, a guard stomped towards him. Jeongin tried to run but ended up backing up into the surrounding wall of the building. His heartbeat quickened, and he struggled to breathe. He had to think quickly. Then he remembered a trick Chan had taught him to use whenever Seungmin was getting on his nerves. True, it never affected Seungmin in the same way it would affect the guard, but desperate times call for desperate measures. He removed the small bottle from the pocket of his coat, fumbling to open it fast before drawing all the water from it before launching it at the guard, putting all his power into freezing it when it hit. He had only used that a few times on Seungmin, and those circumstances it never mattered if messed up, but managing to freeze a whole bottle's worth of water in such a nerve-wracking situation was something else entirely. He took deep breaths to calm himself, grinning to himself.
Jeongin looked over in the direction the voice came from, to see Hyunjin, a wall of fire behind him, presumably created by Seungmin. A gap appeared in the fire for a split second, and Changbin ran through towards Jeongin. He'd shifted back to himself, although covered with cuts and bruises.
"Let's get back to the car, okay?" He said, "I'll go with you."

Jeongin and Changbin ran back through the trees, hurrying themselves to some element of safety. They got back, out of breath, greeted by Minho and Felix.
"Thank fucking god you're both okay," Minho sighed in relief.
"Who's back?" a voice sounded from inside the car.
"Changbin and Innie," Minho shouted back.
The car door opened, and Jisung stepped out.
"Sungie, Lucy's going to hate you," Changbin sighed, seeing the massive bruise on the side of Jisung's face.
"I couldn't move in time, I didn't see him," he sighed, "Anyway, how are the others?"
"Seungmin and Hyunjin are okay, although Hyunjin looks a little beat up," Jeongin replied, "I'm assuming they've got a hold of Chan by now, but as for Woojin... I couldn't see him."
Jisung snorted, and Minho punched his shoulder.
"Now is not the time for jokes," Minho growled.
"But... couldn't see him... he's invisible..." Jisung said between giggles.
"It's not funny," Minho huffed, "If anything that makes it more worrying."
"Don't worry," Felix said, resting a hand on Minho's shoulder, "I'm sure he'll be fine."

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