•~•Part 2•~•

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"Over 50 meters?!" I shouted. "Is that even possible?" Dad asked her. "Can I capture this colossal Titan!?" Hanji asked. 'Of course she would ask that.'i thought. "No we don't know where it went the guards that were standing above the wall say it come up and kick a hole in the wall and then it vanished." Petra said. "What the hell how did it do that?!" I asked pondering all of the answers as the wall of Shiganshina came closer into view. "Ok we are to save as many civilians as possible!" Dad shouted as we used our 3DMG up the wall. When I got up the wall I saw something I could never imagine, i saw people being pushed out of the way for the ships to save their own asses. "Ok try and save as many people you can." Dad said. "Got it commander." I said zipping down. I look around and I see a boy and girl trying to lift the roof of a building up off a woman and I zip down to them. "Need help over here?" I asked as I saw the two struggle. "Yes please help me get my mother out!" The boy shouted. "What your name ma'am?" The woman under the building asked. "I'm cadet y/n smith." I said as he eyes went wide. "Y/n take my children and protect them don't let anyone hurt them please." She said. "Carla!" I hear a voice say. "Hannes!" Carla Said. "Im not gonna let you die!" He said running to the upcoming Titan in was about to kill it when he turned around and ran back grabbing the children and pulling my arm running off. "Thank you for trying to help."Carla said as the Titan grabbed her as ate her. "What are you doing we could have saved her Hannes!" I shouted while the boy banged on his back. Hannes let go of my arm and tree the boy down. The little girl wiggles out of his arms and ran towards the boy. "Eren are you ok!" She asked. "I'm fine." He said. "Hey kid you sure your ok?" I ask. "If I say I'm fine that means I'm fine." He shot back. "Jeez kid you gotta lotta nerve. What're your name names." I asked. "I'm Eren Jeager and she is Mikasa Ackerman." He said i inspected them both like what dad taught me.

Flashback start

"Bean I what I want you to do a s assess every person you see." Dad said to me. "But why dad?" I asked wondering why I would assess the people that I want to protect. "Because not all people are good people they could be strong and innocent or puny and a serial killer" he said. We spent months assessing people for practice until I was even better than my dad. "And the student surpasses the teach." I said sitting in a meditation pose. We both laughed and hung out for the rest of the day.

Flashback end

"You seem to be some strong kids, but you your stronger I can see pain and determination in your eyes don't let it burn out. You two should join the survey corps you be some assets for humanity. Until next time." I said jumping up and using my gear to swing away and save more people.

Eren's POV

"Damn show off." Hannes said watching y/n swing away. "Why was she in the survey corps she looked to be about our age." I asked Hannes. "Yes she is commander Erwin's daughter she has been trained since she could walk she's better than even me." He said. 'Wait commanders daughter?!' "She has passed every exam with top scores and ended cadet training super earl like right now she is only 13 now let's get you kids to a boat." He said getting is on the last boat. "I'll kill every last one of those bastards if it the last thing I do." I said right as a Titan broke down the gate letting titans into wall Maria. "I swear to avenge my mother and all the lives lost today." I said watching as the walls of Maria and Shiganshina slowly disappear.


"Let's hope we gain our territory back for the lives lost today and the future of humanity (I've said this like 10 times today lmao) I hope those kids accept what I told them." I said to my self as I killed another Titan with perfect precision. I hear a shot and see a green flare and zip up to the wall. "We have lost total control of wall Maria to the titans but rest assured that we will get it back now let's get to wall rose and pray for our fallen soldiers." my dad said as we all zipped down to our horses and killed every Titan in the way of our path and with in 2 hours we made it back to wall rose.

Yeet here is another chapter of this and I know it's not yet you know like x Levi but we're getting there slowly jk lmao but I want to publish this in honor of
ZuriHeartfilia because she is showing me so much support on this book and on my princess i want to thank her personally for finding my books interesting and good because I my opinion my books are crappy but I want to thank her for all the support ok that's all!

Bai baiiiiii~

Azrella~Sama out!!!

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