[This is the original tale of Jasmine]
Jasmine was a head strong young sixteen year old princess and she wanted more responsiblities in her kingdom though she was never good at the duties she already had. The king though would not allow this and said that the political buisness of the Kingdon was no place for a woman. Jasmine though wouldn't hear this she wanted something to do. For this there would always be arguments between father and daughter; Jasmine told her father that it was the 19th century and he can't treat her like her strength and will power was less than a man's. Hearing this infuriated the King,
"Okay you want responsibilites then you are responsible for getting a king to run my kingdom when you become queen."
Jasmine though head strong as she was, was not very smart and when she heard those words of her father she simply agreed. But things was not as easy as she thought it would have been, and finding a husband wasn't the everyday run of the mill things to do; day in day out Jasmine along with her pet tiger Raja would roam the streets in the disguise her care-taker provided for her.
On the otherside of the kingdom though, was a seventeen year old boy who was poor and he was a thief but he was greedy, not greedy for food but greedy for wealth his name was Aladdin. One day while roaming the desert on the outskirts of the kingdom he came upon a cave and in that cave he stumbles upon a golden lamp. Aladdin grabs up the golden lamp and started dusting the sand off of it, unexpectedly a genie popped out and said,
"You have three wishes."
Aladdin smirked as he made his first wish, "I want to have as many wishes as i want."
The Genie granted Aladdinhis wish and with that he was able to make as may wishes as he want for as long as he had the lamp. His next wish was to own the king's castle, but a wish like that was not as easy for the Genie to do and he told Aladdin that he needed a way in, an available hand to wed. Aladdin remembered that princess Jasmine was in search of a husband and so he told Genie that he wanted her as his bride.
In the evening while walking through the town Jasmine is pulled on the wind across the kingdom to Aladdin. As Jasmine stood befpre the now, well dressed young man she fell in love with him [which made the Genie's job easier]. Aladdin found his way into the castle and so that is what exactly happen, before the day was over Jasmine and Aladdin was married and the king was dethroned and kicked out; Jasmine as blinded by love as she was had no objections to Aladdin releaving her father of everything, including the clothes on his back.
For the next few months Aladdin and Jasmine lived but not in the happiness she thought she would have, after a few weeks Jasmine was pregnant and Aladdin fired all the servants he believed was after his gold and now he used Jasmine to do everything. Its five months into her pregnancy and the abuse contiued, beating her to the face and using her body as a mat, [literally and metaphorically]. One day Jasmine dressed in the rags Aladdin once wore stood looking at him from the shadows and in her hand an old rusty knife she had kept secretly sharpening over the few months.
"I'll take no more." she thought. With those words in her mind Jasmine attacked Aladdin stabbing his hand prying the lamp from him; Aladdin slapped her to the floor, still Jasmine held tightly to the lamp as he kicked her in her stomach and she begin to bleed.
"Give me the lamp." Aladdin yelled at her.
Jasmine rubbed the lamp and as the Genie appeared she wished for Aladdin to go back to the way he was, seeing who he really was Jasmine realised that he was the notorius thief of the kingdom and in raged Jasmine dropped the lamp and attacked Aladdin once more, not with the rusty knife but with the axe she asked the Genie for, she hacked Aladdin to pieces as his blood stained her already bloodied body, it stain the walls of the throne room also. As Jasmine looked at her stomach and realized that she was carrying the child of a thief and the man she allowed to take everything she once had from her including her father who is destitute and had been living as a vagrant for the last few months, she began to giggle histerically as she drops the axe. She takes up the knife and slowly slits her stomach open as she continue to giggle, she pulls the child out her stomach and tossed it to the wall, she runs out of the castle screaming, "Father!!" as she continue to giggle.
See you next original telling Muahhahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Twisted Tales
HorrorThis is a compilation of the original tellings of fairy tale princesses