A love I can't explain

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I was in my room when suddenly Jeff presses his face against my window. "AHH!, Jeff, Jesus Christ! What the heck is wrong with you?!?". He just smiles like he's on drugs. "Jeff, just go home!". "You don't tell me what to do!" Jeff looped in a French accent. "GO HOME!" I shouted. "Why do you always have to kill the fun, Jane?" Jeff asked. "Oh, go die in a hole!" I said with anger. "You just shut up!" Jeff yelled. *sigh* "Just come in" I said with a frown. "Oh, good!:) now we can start the fun!" Jeff beamed.
I let Jeff in, saw a knife in his pocket, but I didn't freak out. He always had it with him. "So, what did you mean by "fun"" I asked, Jeff gave a mad smile again.
" Do you want to play a game:3" Jeff asked nervously.
"What game?" I asked suspiciously. "Well, you go hide, and I go find you!" Jeff explained "it just sounds like hide and seek, are you gonna kill me or something?" I said "NOOOOoooooooo:3" Jeff shouted. He was already counting so, I just played along and, hid under my bed.
"Found ya!" Jeff shouted, his head upside-down. "Ghyaa! Jeff!, w Ihat's your problem!?!". Jeff pulls me out from under the bed. "I cheated, I didn't close my eyes". "Didn't your parents ever tell you that cheating is wrong both ways?" I asked "Wut? 0.o" Jeff asked. "Never mind!" I splurged.
Jeff pulled his knife out and lunged at me, But when I covered my face with my arms he stopped seconds before he stabbed me. "What the heck is your problem!" I shouted "There's nothing wrong with me, I swear Jane!" Jeff yelled. "Really :\" I said.
"No Jane- there's something wrong with YOU" Jeff pointed at me "You really don't know how horrible the things you do" I explained "Nope!, not one clue! (^-^)" Jeff smiled and just walked out of my house, no warnings, he just walked out.
The next day Jeff was even more umm weird he kept telling me the importance of sombrero's? "Ya know, sombrero's can hold salsa, and cats" Jeff would tell me "That's- That's nice to hear Jeff" I would reply. After school he came to my house again, but stayed for only a little bit. Once he left, something caught my eye.
It was Jeff's knife! I tried not to panic, but the nerve kept egging on, I was sweating and, well, panicking. I called Jeff, but he wouldn't answer. "Wow smart Jane, Jeff doesn't have a phone anymore. I thought I should give it to Jeff personally myself, but it was going on ten o clock, So I thought I should wait till tomorrow "Well, when he had his phone he was texting me at midnight" So, I decided to give it to him tonight.
Once I walked up to his house I was in shock. "It looks quite deserted to me." I thought "Well, I should go in anyways, He's probably going to jumpscare me or, something." I walked inside the desolated house. I saw the lights were off, and it looked like Jeff just threw a party "I'm not surprised:(" I whispered to myself. Then I felt a hand touch my shoulder, It was Jeff! "AHH!" I screamed "Gees, Jane! Take a joke for once!" Jeff yelled "Oh, there's my knife, I've been looking for that." Jeff rips the knife out of my hands.
"I knew I left it somewhere." Jeff explained as he was polishing it. At midnight I heard someone enter my house "Jeff, that better not be you." I muttered to myself. I walked to the kitchen and, found Jeff rummaging through my fridge. "Jeff?!? What the heck-" He pushed my pudding out onto the floor "Hey!, I needed that!" I screamed "You also, left the door open!>:(" I shut the door and, Jeff out of my house. "Weird, annoying, Jerk!" I muttered angrily to myself.
I awoke to find myself on Jeff's house and, still, the wild party seen. I screamed. Jeff came into sight with my friend violet. "Hey, what are YOU doing here?" I asked violet. "Jeff kidnapped me too." Violet explained "Yea, I'm not surprised." Jeff tied us up to a pole, and played constant Katy Perry, the annoying songs only.
He then tossed violet in the basement, she fell down the stairs. "Jeff, you almost killed her!" I start to sob a little, then Jeff lifts my chin up. He had carved a smile into his face.
"Oh Jane, you should know exactly what's going on right now." He unties me, and puts me in the basement too, I sobbed at the sight of violet, her neck was broke, along with spine damage. "Oh violet, what has he done to you!" I whispered to myself. I don't know what to do now, I untie myself, and look for a candle to light luckily, I found one, also some matches to light it with. I walked up the stairs, the door was locked. "Of course." I said to myself. I tried to find another way out, but there were no vents in the basement. I found a knife in one of the boxes "This should be useful." I said with satisfaction.
I was probably in the basement for hours. "This is a horrible way to spend the weekend." I muttered to myself. A couple more hours passed, and still no sign of any other ways out. Then I start to wonder to myself, Why did Jeff do this to me? Is he mad? Was I not supposed to touch his knife? I ignored these thoughts and developed new ones, to Kill Jeff.
Finally Jeff let me out, and explained everything to me. "I'm sorry Jane, I-I just lose myself, when people touch my stuff, honestly, I try not to lose it, at least I didn't kill YOU." "Jeff, what the hell! Don't pretend like nothing ever happened! You locked me in a basement and, Killed my friend!" I shouted with a surge of anger.
"I hate it when you-you do something horrible and, act like it was nothing!" I lunged for Jeff, but, he mauled me and, looked at me, blood dripping from his mouth onto my face, I screamed, I didn't know why but, I screamed without thinking, or realizing what was going on, I screamed showing nothing except, anger, and fear- mostly fear.
"Jane, I don't like it when other people touch my knife, you know why?" Jeff paused for a moment and, let me up, I see tears "I-I killed my own family with it." "What?" I ask whispery "I killed my brother and, parents." Jeff puts his head down darkly, and faces the opposite direction of me "Jeff, if only you told me-" Jeff turns and, puts his finger up to my lips hushing "Shhhhh" he lifts his head up and, mockingly said "Jane, go home" He, then offered me a cup of tea I drank the tea and, everything went black.
I awoke hours later, lying on my bed. "Jeff must've brought me home." I explained to myself. I decided to go visit Jeff, I didn't know why but, I just walked there, nothing stopped me. Jeff was by the window watching me enter the house. "Creep" I muttered to myself.
I saw he had stitched where he had cut his mouth. "Oh, good Jane!, you returned!" Jeff yelled with excitement. He leans close to me and whispers "you know, violets corpse is still in the basement" I show an angered face and, punch Jeff right in the left cheek.
"Your still mad about that aren't you Jane" He puts a hand up to where I hit him "It's ok, you'll get over it sometime." He assured himself in a quiet voice. He comes closer, and kisses me. "What the hell is your problem?!?" I screamed, and stormed out. There, at night I lay awake on my bed over thinking the scenario at Jeff's house "Why would he just kiss me like that?" I finally went to sleep.
The next day at school everyone was asking about violet, and Jeff's scar. I kept glaring at Jeff all day remembering what happened at his house, and every time I look at him, he reminds me of violets corpse. I can't take this no more, I have to kill Jeff! I set out, grabbed my knife and, went to Jeff's house, as I entered through the door I found a glass shard.
I gripped it so hard, It cut into my hand, they were bleeding. I found Jeff upstairs, he had violets dead body hanging from the ceiling. A tear shed down my cheek. I was standing in the doorway, Jeff had his back turned, facing the wall, and violet hanging in the middle.
"Why would you nuce her if she's already dead!" I shouted. Jeff turned to face me I was a mess bloody hand griping a glass shard a knife in the other. "Oh, Jane it's nice to see you again.' Jeff insanely beamed. I lunged for Jeff but, yet again, he pounced me.
"Do you really think you can kill me?" Jeff asked scornfully "I COULD kill you- if I wanted to" I stab him in the foot, and he screams "Have you changed your opinion yet!" I mockingly asked he let out a quiet laugh of a mad man, "I sure have Jane." He muttered with a devilish smile.
"Don't play around with me Jeff!" I shouted "I will stab you in the throat!" He gazed straight into my eyes smiling- I was very fearful. The horror reflected on my eyes.
I knew Jeff had killed someone else I knew. I let Jeff go and, got down on my knees, and- and tears were flowing straight out of my eyes like a stream. I ran down into his basement with a murderous history. I saw them sitting there, Tied to a chair, with a smile carved into their faces, along with huge cavities in their chests.
The people whom I saw- dead right before me- were my parents, the only two people who cared about me in my stone-hearted family. I sobbed on my knees in front of their corpses. Jeff's house was not only a murder hell hole, but a sight of pain, and tears- many tears, along with death. I ran to where Jeff was upstairs, but, he wasn't in the room he was in before. Then, I get the feeling someone is behind me.
Jeff was right in the middle of the doorway to the room. I didn't hear him follow me. I turn around. My face frozen in horror. "What is wrong with you" I mutter darkly with rage "oh Jane, No one likes a mutterer" Jeff insanely whispered. "I want to know Jeff" My voice got louder as I spoke "Why are you killing the ones I love!" I finally shouted. Jeff stopped dead in his tracks as he was getting closer to me. His dumbstruck face turned into a horrible, sly grin. He caressed the top of my head.
I, stand there, a face of ultimate rage, just stand there, wanting revenge. I could've just killed him and, fulfill my revenge, but I couldn't. Something was holding me back.
Was I paralyzed with anger? I wondered to myself. My body was stiff and, if I moved I knew Jeff would do something. I dropped my glass shard. I really cut into my hand. I think it needed stitches. Jeff pulls me closer. "Stupid girl." He whispers to me blankly, and throws me onto the floor. He walks out of the room swiftly. I pull myself up and, walk out of the house, anger, and sadness written all over my face.
People are asking about my moping and, sudden surges of anger around Jeff. "I just don't want to talk about it right now." I would reply. So many nights have passed, and I haven't seen Jeff. I was scared he would've killed another loved one, or friend.
I decide to visit Jeff and see what he's done now, because, I heard a loud racket from his house. I burst in the messy house, and see another man. He had brown hair with sideburns, Blackish-green eyes, and a greyish hue on his skin. He said his name was Jack. "Where's my mask." He said in a whispery sort of voice. I noticed he was wearing a hoodie, and jeans. He stared at me as if I knew the answer. "I-I don't know." I replied shakily. "I need to find my mask!" He shouted in a loud whisper. Jeff was no wheee to be seen. "Where's Jeff?" I asked nervously.
Jacks skin was now a dark grey, and his eyes were black. "Are you okay?" I asked offhandedly. "Oh, yea, I look like this all the time." He replied back. Could've he- KILLED? Jeff? "Where's Jeff?" I ask again in the same tone. "Oh, yea, he's upstairs."
Jack said calmly. "Ahh- there's my mask." He said assuringly. He put his hood up and placed on his mask. His mask was blue all over except for the huge black eye sockets with a black substance coming out. "Your starting to creep me out." I said sacredly. A toaster catches my eye.
"It looks good as new." I thought to myself. I turned around and, looked back at the toaster. It seemed taller. I turn around again and, find a man instead of a toaster. "Were you?-" he cut me off.
His skin was paper white and, he was wearing a suit, the kind you wear to office. At my very own eyes. He grew up to the ceiling, and, arms to his knees. He had no face-all white.
"Ah, eyeless Jack you found your mask." The man boomed. I could hear his deep voice echo. I screamed. "Whoa! calm down!" Jack Yelled in another loud whisper.
"Eye-eyeless Jack?" I asked horrified. I went upstairs to see Jeff. He had white leathery skin, and no eyelids, with his stitches cut. "Jane-run!" Jeff yells to me. I stop there where I am and, someone throws gasoline on me, and lights me on fire, I could feel my skin melting off. A awake hours later in a hospital bed. "Who did this to me?" I asked myself quietly.
I hear someone come through the door. My voice was like sandpaper. "Give me a mirror." I whispered hoarsely. "Umm, I'm not sure you want to see yourself yet." The nurse replied.
"Give me a mirror!" I repeated but, louder. The nurse hesitated but, gave me a mirror. I dropped and, broke the mirror I had. My skin was white as salt, and I had no hair on my head. "I'm a monster." I whispered to myself. "Well, at least someone cares about you Jane."
The nurse said trying to comfort me. She gives me a box. The contents in the box were, A black turtle-neck dress, Black gloves, A bouquet of black roses, and a mask. The mask was white, with big black sockets for eyes, and black lips. The nurse threw the roses out, because she thought they were ugly. I agreed with her. That night I put on the dress, cause it was the only thing to wear, and the mask, with some black heels I found at the door of my room. I found a knife in the box. There was also a note.
"Sorry for all the trouble of becoming an underworld creature." The note read "We could've done it the easy way, but it was too risky- we thought you needed a weapon- Sincerely, Slender man."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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